Exploring the neighborhood and getting healthy lifestyle

Hi, Hope so you are doing well.

I live in Haryana (India) and at this time summers are at peak so its hard to get out in day time to explore neighborhood. So, have started cycling in early morning and try to cover all public places which are not available on google maps or where images are not available.

Few friend of mine also start morning cycling morning cycling and we are adding various places like Schools, Public Toilets, Bus Stops, Medical Store and Bike/Car repair shop on maps so that common public in my neighborhood can be helped.

When we capture images people asks why we are doing this and this provide a great opportunity to teach people about Google Maps and its benefits to community by adding updated information.

As 2nd wave of COVID hits very badly, small business are impacted in most of areas thus need our support to uplift such business and do something for a good cause.

This activity help me getting fit as well, driving 10 to 20KM cycle on daily basis now a day. Feel free to share if you know we can add something more in between cycling along with updating maps information.

Thanks for reading.



Adding one of the recent screenshot of my cycling where i have added 2 places along with 12 images of 9 different places.


Hi @amandhayal

Nice topic my dear!

Cycling is very good for health, It is favorite to me too!

You are doing a great activities to enrich the Google Maps too!

Thank you so much for your nice post and beautiful photos!

Have a nice day my friend! :sunflower: :yellow_heart:


Warm Greetings :rose: :heartpulse: from Chittagong city

Bangladesh. :bangladesh:

Pls click here to see my recent posts!!

  • have to be grateful for the future be glorious with community services are actually supposed too much you love it when we were going on byecyckls generally uses daily basis routine work schedule of morning period and did they working on it. Thanks.

Great to see you back on Connect @amandhayal Bhai and this time cycling.

Want to tag another friend from India @PritishB is also fond of cycling and discovering unknown places on Google Maps.


Thanks Dear. God Bless You

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Thanks @TusharSuradkar Ji, Will try my level best to be active on Connect as this will help me in geting touch with great person like you.


Completely agree @amandhayal

Connect is the best place compared to private chat groups :smile:


Thank you @TusharSuradkar for tagging me here in a beautiful post.

Hello @amandhayal really great to see your post. Cycling is really :hearts: . A best pocket friendly way to keep our mind cheerful and physically fit. Waiting for more cycling related posts from you.

Stay safe and happy.



Sure Brother, Thanks for your time. Thanks Again.

@TravellerG Get well soon… we miss u here…