Exploring my new hometown


Hi @Laura-Ike

Thank you for sharing this amazing photo with us. What camera did you use to capture this image?

Is your hometown famous among tourists? Can you share a bit more information about the place and your experience while taking these photos I think it will be interesting for the other Local Guides?

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@Aruni the camera on my Pixel 2 XL. :grin:

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Hi @Laura-Ike

Thank you for your information. Do you live close to this place?

What activities can you around? If you add more details about it and share your experience while taking it, your photograph can be appreciated even more by other Local Guides and can drive more interactive

This photo was taken while walking my dog by the pond just outside my apartment in South Tampa. There are lots of things to see and do in Tampa Bay, my favorite area so far is Hyde Park which has lots of great restaurants and shopping. On Swann is one of my favorite restaurants, although reservations are needed, and CineBistro is a great place to check out the latest movie. I’m still learning the city, but will update as I explore more.

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Hi @Laura-Ike

Thank you for your information. I’m waiting to see photos of your favorite place.

Please don’t forget to tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.

@Aruni Thank you!

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Really nice pic, thanks.
