Explore Iftar Bazar With Local Guides

Hello! Local Guides,
Local Guides Bangla organizing a special Iftar Bazar Meetup in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
During this meetup we will explore some iftar bazar in Dhaka city with Local Guides and we will share our experience with the Local Guides community.
It’s open for all type meetup. Anyone as a Local Guide contributor may join us in this meetup.
Especially we will visit the iftar bazar together, then break our fast at a restaurant. Iftar bill, I mean food bill will be covered by ‘‘his his whose whose’’ or sharing during the meetup.
I hope it will be a great day with #LocalGuides.

Location : Dhaka Gulshan 2

Time: 17:00 - 19:00

Date: 29 March, Friday

Happy Guiding!
Local Guides Bangla


@Farhan21 thanks for the announcement post!

I hope it would be great day with Local Guides exploring Iftar Bazar!

Happy Guiding!


Assalamu Alaikum, Asa Kari, how are you? Thanks @Farhan21 Vai for inviting us all. I am currently staying in Godagari, Rajshahi but I can’t attend the meeting even if I want to. Happy guiding…

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This will be a great meetup.thanks @Farhan21

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