I started using google map to explore new cities i went because of work - i always searched for fun places, pictures if any, ratings and what people are saying about those places. This always had a way to prepare me mentally for what i was about to walk into.
Few weeks ago i met up with a new female friend who wanted us to go dancing. I was trying to draw up a budget and searched clubs in Port harcourt to have an idea of the prices of drinks and few reviews showed me good places with reasonable prices - made my night turn into a blast because i was absolutely prepared.
You see, before the era of google, we hardly got recommendations on where to go, movies to see or even places to avoid so i think all everybody on google as a guide is doing is sharing EXPERIENCES.
From giving directions to a street, to traffic situation, to places to visit in new towns and where to get all i need i never feel lost with my internet and google because at the end of the day, the experiences we have in life and with people is what we always take with us as me move on…