Have you ever been in a situation where you really just need information and really need it fast, want a response need to find out as much information as you can about a place before you actually proceed and find you’re in the wrong place?
Google Maps has solved this not just for me but for millions of other users. I frequent Google Maps for almost everything, I really want to search for. The features I value most and Google made me conscious of these is now as opposed to long back when I went to visit places I hardly took note of surroundings! Thanks to participating as a Local Guide and getting encouraged as I moved from Level to the next, I am conscious to take a thorough look, checking for restrooms, entrances and parking.
I make mental notes are they wheelchair friendly entrances parking and restrooms? In restaurants I observe if they have bars, do they serve alcoholic beverages, in shops I look for what else they offer besides the norm?
The questions asked by Google Maps also bring to attention even some details that I would not normally look at. for example, people ask about places I have visited and would like to know if they’re any rentals available, interesting though but now I’ve added those to the list realising that as much as I love to get information at my fingertips I’m not alone in this quest.
I continue to answer questions giving as much accurate information about places as possible to the best of my knowledge to help others as I have received much help on needed information from Google Maps.
I love this feature on Google Maps and will continue to use and encourage others to do so.