Experience of Hurdles is the Cause of Contribution ; Search of Halal Restaurants worldwide!

Hello I am Sabeena Al nuhasi . Proud Level 7 Local Guide. I am from South India ,Kerala (Gods own country) and a Resident of Dubai. Dubai is fast growing Country where all the new inventions, technologies come alive
Travelling in Dubai and choosing the best place for shopping or Eating Halal food (Halal food is the dietary standard, as prescribed in Islamic Law or food permissible to Muslim community) in Dubai is not a tough task.
Choosing a Halal restaurant is not a tough game in GCC Countries too as its mandatory to issue halal certificate for every eatery and food brands in GCC Countries.
But when I came out of GCC Countries that is when we made the trips to Europe (Switzerland , Italy, France) Hong Kong and even India , Uhh!!! those days with my cutie little pies It was a hard situation , we were starving as we couldn’t find Halal Restaurants. I was dependent on certain apps to find Halal Restaurants, but the information provided on the apps were misguiding. We walked kilometers and kilometers targeting a halal restaurant as per instructions from the apps. In the end when we reached there , it was a vain attempt!
At Those times Google Maps were just a navigator for me. After ages I discovered that Google Map is a best decision maker. It took me some time to notice that Google Maps is handled by millions of trusted people around the world.
I was surprised when I realized there is an opportunity for me too to feed Google Maps with correct information.
There I started contributing with long reviews, correct information, clicked adorable pictures, moreover found Real Halal Restaurants and fed Google Map.
#accesible #childfriendly #halalrestaurants #plasticfreerestaurants these are my favorite lists!
This is a sweet revenge to other apps too who misguided me with fake reviews and wrong data!

My Interests doesnt put a fullstop.It goes on and on. I am very much passionate in cooking and love to test and taste every cuisine around the world. Am a YouTuber, Owner of San Kitchen, Home Baker, Love DIY ,
Go Green . I just wan t to yell that I am Shopaholic yes you heard it right. It takes time , but I review each and every shop with maximum info.

Being a mother I feed Google Maps like my Child with proper nutrition. Haha thats not a funny word!
Yes Google Maps is growing and I firmly believe that I should stand like a guardian to boost energy and enthusiasm for our charming Google Maps. By Contributing I wish Let someone find smooth way where I had hurdles!
Apart from Google Maps, Connect is a super strong Family where I get addicted reading the posts and mostly I cant end up in submitting a post as I run reading from one post to another! Lots of Stories and experience to to express with other contributors. Hope that I would be able to speak out in
San Jose Summit. InshaAllah (Arabic phrase for if God wills)
Surprisingly my User name in connect is SanGLG : Sabeena Al Nuhasi GoogleLocalGuide Awww! thats a cute name I guess.

Thanks and Regards
Sabeena Alnuhasi