Exhibition historical locomotive and wagons, Kyiv

Музей исторического подвижного состава Юго-Западной железной дороги был открыт в 2011 году на станции Киев-Пассажирский. В экспозиции музея паровозы, тепловозы, железнодорожные вагоны, дрезина и другие интересные экспонаты подвижного состава и путевого оборудования.

Музей невероятно интересный! Замечательно! Познавательно! Увлекательно! Захватывающе! Очень советую родителям - ваши детки будут в восторге…можно трогать экспонаты, можно заходить в вагоны, есть информационные таблички.


Hi @tanya_sadova

I like steam locomotives
I also have a locomotive in front of the station in my city

Thank you very much


Hello @To_paul !

You are very kind to me! I am always pleased to see you.
Thank you so much for the wonderful photo,dear friend!
I thank you for your support !
Also, your comments are very important for me.

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Hi @tanya_sadova ,

Thanks for the interesting post!

It’s very nice that the people have the opportunity to get in such locomotive and to see how the people traveled in the past. Which one did you like the most? Do you think they are better than those in this century?

I am going to add a Russian language label to your post. If you want to know more about the language labels I recommend you to read the article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

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I thank you for your support !
Thanks so much for the kind words !.. pleased to share it with you, dear @PoliMC !

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Tomorrow I’m going to take more beautiful pictures on my locomotives @tanya_sadova

Thank you very much


Keep it up, I love your photos, dear @To_paul !!!

Best regards dear friend !

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Hi @tanya_sadova photos arrived without delay, unlike the train.
Thank you very much


Hello dear @To_paul !

Absolutely fantastic photos ! It’s just fabulous !
Great post and excellent for the theme ! Thank you so much, dear friend !

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Thank you very much @tanya_sadova , the pictures you made are fabulous, the pictures made by me look just a little like yours
I thank you so much once again