Late last year, we launched Missions for Google Maps on Android devices. This feature connects Local Guides with contribution opportunities near them, making it easier to submit info that may be missing from a place’s Maps listing. In addition to submitting info, Local Guides can also verify suggestions that others have submitted. We got great feedback, with the top request being to bring the experience over to iOS and desktop devices.
Today we begin the process of expanding this feature by rolling out the ability to “Verify The Facts” on desktop Maps for all Level 5 Local Guides.
Try out moderation on desktop:
Navigate to on a desktop device (make sure you’re logged into your Local Guides account).
Open the = menu on the side, and click “Your Contributions”
Click the “Check the facts” banner under your profile to see a list of places with pending edits awaiting your local expertise.
Choose an edit you would like to moderate and select “Yes,” “No,” or “Not Sure.” You can also click the place’s title a second time to see the information Google has about the place, or click “Search This Place On Google” to find web results.
Over the next few weeks you can look forward to Missions for iOS, the ability to report issues on multiple road segments at once, and the option to report locations on the map that are missing roads.
We’ll continue to iterate on these and more features, working toward the end goal of creating a vibrant, in-product ecosystem for helping keep Google Maps data accurate and up-to-date. As always, we welcome your feedback as you help us test these new features before they are available to the public.
@JasonB@LucioV This is starting to roll out today so it may take a couple days to reach you. Make sure you have the latest version of Google Maps installed I am unaware of any specific country restrictions but will check.
@Ale5ander You can share this freely It is currently only available to Level 5s.
Even though I spend most of my on-line time driving an Android device for me this is much more useful than free Google Drive storage (I know different people’s milelage vary). And for sure it is going to produce very useful outcomes for the people Local Guides are trying to support.
For me to get an early look at it is a Level reward worthy of the name. Thank you.
@LuisHM@user_not_found@JasonB@LucioV@JoyHawkins This will be available to all of you over the next couple of days. As with all rollouts, it takes some time to reach all Level 5s. In the meantime, please make sure you have the latest version of Google Maps.