Escape The Ordinary

as a local guide I am grateful that I have helped a lot of businesses to understand how the Google maps work. They have used the system and yes they have increased the client base. Moreover, I have tried to reach to as much as many people to leave a mark in all the places they go to. I have also edited a lot of old pins which were misleading tourists and other customers searching for places.

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Hello @89Nel ,

Welcome to Connect!

Keep in mind that one of the requirements for Connect Live 2020 was to share your post on the Local Stories board. Just to let you know, I’ve moved your post there.

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Hi @89Nel thank you for sharing with us your contribution, it is always a great feeling to help other people and our local businesses too. Looking from your photo it looks like you were near the Impala hotel and the Durban Spa at South Beach in front of the Wheel or China mall shopping center, I can tell because that is where I live too, I am from Durban, South Africa.

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