Error and problems with adding Google maps places reviews

Hi. I have a problem. I am posting reviews from a long time ago!!! Now appear as a sugestion to review alot of places that I have already reviewed. Also I have added reviews from a lot o places in the last weeks and even today. After finishing the review the location that I just finished to review appear again to be reviewed!
Also I try to put pics and reviews for some location but I get an error that you can see in the pic. Anyone has the same problem? How can we solve it?


I once came to this error. It got solved after some time like after 1-2hrs later. I think it might be a network issue.


Hello Diana and welcome to the Connect community!
Your Problem that suggestions to review places that you have already reviewed come up frequently is known and was already reported. Please see here.
One tip: Don’t follow those suggestions, otherwise you might have to enter the complete review again!
For you second problem, I agree with @Rahul001


Unfortunately it is happening frequently.
It happened mire than 5 times in the last month