Enjoyable days at Escalade Resort in Binh Lap, Cam Ranh Bay, Khanh Hoa Province, Viet Nam

Our journey started in the middle of August 2019, we went on private rental bus with my colleagues. We got there without knowing the main bridge connecting from road to Escalade Resort was collapsed. There were kids in our group, so it’s a hard time getting to the resort located on the slopes of mountain. But the experience is unforgettable and enjoyable.

But we finally made it there safe and sound.

Not bad right ?

View looking to the beach, totally not like the whole view but it’s ok because there’re only 2 rooms where you can enjoy the whole beach view but it was booked by other tourists

Relaxing time, there’s very few tourist know and stay here, so you can have more private space to have fun with friends and family. That’s the best thing about this resort.

Beautiful morning of August just for early birds. More fresh air please…

Boat trip to Robinson islet, private islet managed by some keepers, it took 15 minutes to get there from our resort. We hired 2 private boats for 50 Us dollars for a half day journey.

Beautiful beach here, tranquil and clear water, white sand, there’s nothing to complaint about. No Photoshop needed :smile:

Tents for staying overnight, but we didn’t have enough time. Islet keepers also provide food and beverage and other services

You can find local family moving along to the right side of the resort to buy sea food to cook and eat there, people’re friendly and the food was cheap, they would lend you cooking equipment (pays them some tips) if you need it, I will upload more about it later…

After all, I really hope that my post about Escalade Resort and things to do here will help you to know and have more options choosing a place to relax with family and friends.


Hi @danielle19 ,

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Nice photos! What did you enjoy the most from your vacations?

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Thank you for your reply @InaS

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