Empty Lanes at The Forbidden City

Shot back in Chilled Winters of December 2018. My first ever foreign trip and I made it to Forbidden City.

It was indeed a City within a City. Too vast to cover in a day I guess. Temperature that day was around -12 to -15 degree Celsius to add up it was a windy day making more tough for me to take photos as to take photos I had to remove my gloves and it was damn painful.

Having a good camera phone is always a good thing for people who like capturing memories now and then, for me it was like once in a lifetime chance and so I took as many as photos I could despite of unfavorable temperature.


@AbhinavSinha nice shot. I love how red colour is popping out. How was your overall experience in China? Did you visit any other places?


Thanks for the appreciation @sparekh

I got to visit the Bird’s Nest Sports Stadium where 2008 Olympics took place. Unfortunately couldn’t visit The Great Wall of China.

Regarding the Red Color, whole of Forbidden City is painted in Red and Yellow and it looks amazing.


@AbhinavSinha @sparekh Here we go:)


A nice click @AbhinavSinha . Yes so true, having a camera capable smartphone is a real asset when traveling.

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