Hi everyone!
Some time ago i was sent an e-mail from Google Maps to share my impressions of the place i had visited, i don’t even remember what was the place, but that’s not the point. What’s important is that i then started to share almost everything - my thoughts, my impressions, my opinions etc. And since I love taking photos (basically of everything), what’s the best way of sharing emotions if not through a picture, that can say a lot more than 1,000 words? I don’t write “my emotions” on purpose because a picture evokes a different emotion in every person. And that’s ok because we are all different and diversity is a good thing. Can you imagine how annoyed we would be if all people were the same ?! So please take a photo and share an emotion with the
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Hi @Aly_Aly,
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts with us! I agree that photos are a good way to express your emotions and show your personal impressions of a place. I’m going to move your post to Photography board and I hope you won’t mind that.
Here is one of my favorite photos of 2019:
It would be great to see your next posts with photos here on Connect and to follow your interesting stories.
I just wanted to let you know that I have removed the Italian language label of your post as it’s written in English. These types of labels are used so that posts in different languages can be found more easily by Local Guides who speak them. You can learn more about language tags in the article: How do I find posts in my preferred language?