El Raizón hot Springs

For years, this place Aguas Termales de El Raizón has been preserved and the vegetation has hidden it from the drivers of cars traveling on the national road between Cúcuta and Pamplona (Colombia). To get there, it is necessary to cross a narrow bridge and a road without asphalt, approximately 800 meters of one-way road. Then, visitors arrive at a large parking lot with rocky soil; Nearby is the sale of tickets, bathrooms and dressing rooms, the restaurant and a swimming pool. There is a gazer from where the visitor can observe part of the hot pools

Visitors must walk a winding, cobbled road covered by trees to reach the hot or thermal springs, where the temperature of water lies significantly above the mean annual air temperature of the region.These thermal waters are the result of the warming of the water that circulates above a tectonic fault.

Path towards the water wells

Apart from the changing rooms and several showers, the place includes a cold-water pool decorated with colorful bottles with a tiny waterfall with hot water, three warm pools - one with clay- where the water increases in temperature, and a pool a little deeper than the others, where the children can splash around, all are outdoors and surrounded by different types of trees. The temperature of the main pool is hot, it can change from 32 to 37 ° C depending on whether the visitor is near the water source or away from it. Some bathers put their backs under the fountain for a few minutes to relieve of their back sore. Pregnant women and children can not enter this pool, or people with high or low blood pressure because the blood vessels dilate, heart rate and breathing become faster, also circulation and blood pressure can change.

People go to Raizón for the properties of the minerals that the waters contain. The place next to the hottest pool smells like rotten egg, after a moment, the smell is tolerated. The sulphur smell is caused by anaerobic bacteria living deep beneath the Earth’s crust. The minerals that are dissolved in the clay of one of the thermal pools have a beneficial effect because they are easily absorbed through the expanded pores of the skin. People cover their faces with clay to look younger. There are warm water wells (21-31 ° C) that provide relaxation, pain relief, analgesic effect, blood vessels dilate and blood pressure decreases. It is recommended to take a cold shower every time the user enters one of these medicinal waters and it is good to have a towel nearby to protect the body from the impact of temperature change.

Visitors do not require to book their visit in advance to the Raizón’s Thermal Waters, although it’s expected to become a very popular tourist attraction.


Que buen viaje @BeatrizAguilar , un lugar para recargar la pilas y re acondicionar los huesos, está metido en medio de la selva.


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@FaridTDF tiene mucha razón, es un lugar sanador, al cual llegué con dolor de espalda y del cual salí con alivio. Este sitio está escondido entre la vegetación frondosa de las montañas nortesantandereanas y los viajeros que conocen de este paraje se desvían para reconfortarse del viaje. También va mucha gente de Cúcuta y de los alrededores de El Raizón para pasar el día completo. Lamentablemente no tiene una vía de acceso apropiada, la carretera es de piedra, cuando dos vehículos se encuentran de frente, uno debe aorillarse para que el otro pueda pasar con mucha precaución. Tampoco es un lugar acondicionado para personas con alguna discapacidad motora, ya que el sendero es empinado y cubierto de guijarros.

Aún así, vale la pena y por supuesto que volveré a por un baño terapéutico.

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Anche l’italia é molto ricca di sorgenti naturali di acque termali. Io sono stato a vulcano :vulcan_salute: nelle isolie eolie ed é stata un’esperienza che non rifarei perché si respira una puzza di uova marce che é nauseante per tutta la durata del soggiorno in tutta l’isola.

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@francesco11 questo cattivo odore è comune nei luoghi con acque sulfure. Nelle sorgenti calde di Raizón, l’odore da uovo non è così forte dappertutto, anzi, se le persone rimangono abbastanza a lungo, penso che loro possano tollerarlo.


Se ve como un gran lugar con muchas posibilidades @BeatrizAguilar , ojalá con el tiempo la municipalidad de ese distrito pueda acondicionarlo para más personas puedan disfrutarlo o un un emprendedor pueda convertir el sitio termal con más opciones. Está dado de alta en Google Maps el sitio ?, si no es el caso tienes una gran oportunidad de bautizar el sitio.


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Esos pozos termales son privados, tal parece que los han ido adaptando al público, construyendo cada uno de los pozos de manera rústica, empleando materiales del lugar e incluso reciclando botellas de vidrio incrustadas en la pared escalonada de una de las piscinas. También pude ver que algunas duchas y sanitarios son recientes y hasta hay carpas para cambiarse de ropa cercanas al parqueadero del lugar, el cual tiene circuito cerrado de cámaras de vigilancia. Aunque el lugar es rústico, no deja de ser cómodo para el visitante, allí ofrecen comidas típicas, bebidas, música, sillas, mesas con sombrillas y hasta dominó, el juego de mesa por excelencia de las tardes domingueras.

Las aguas termales de El Raizón están en google maps y esta es mi reseña


Very interesting @BeatrizAguilar , I like the place, because it looks very natural. in my area too there is a vulcanic area, with the hot water coming out naturally from hot springs, but now everythin have been transformed in an industrial SPA system. Very comfortable indeed (from your hotel room you reach the internal pool in five minutes), but you loose the view of the nature.

Concordo sul fatto che a nell’isola di Vulcano l’odore sulfureo si senta molto @francesco11 , ma ci sono altre zone delle Isole Eolie dove l’esperienza è molto più piacevole, e meno “odorosa”. Ci sono punti, anche a Lipari, dove l’acqua calda esce direttamente in riva al mare. Molto suggestivo


@ErmesT definitly the whole place is rustic and natural. The road that leads to that place is a little frightening; as @FaridTDF says, perhaps an entrepreneur could improve and develope it in a gold mine. But, perhaps it would not be accessible for all pockets.

I forgot to say that the tickets are cheap and the person who doesn’t want to take a bath, doesn’t pay to be there


Buongiorno, visitate Pantelleria e il lago di venere, un luogo meraviglioso con acque cristalline e la possibilità di farsi curare la pelle con l’argilla presente ai bordi vasca tutto intorno al lago.

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Il posto sembra bello ed è gratificante che c’è un paradiso così naturale e che fa bene al corpo. Grazie per la raccomandazione @francesco11 Questo lago è in Italia?

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Il “Lago di venere” si trova a Pantelleria (arcipelago isole Pelagie) in Sicilia ed è un’isola famosa per il vino zibibbo ed è meta turistica di Tanti Vips italiani, il cantante Umberto Tozzi, la Vanoni e il mitico stilista Giorgio Armani ha una mega villa con vista a strapiombo sul mare con ascensore personalizzato.

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@francesco11 mamma mia, quello sarebbe un buon turismo! Io penso che la Sicilia ha molte luoghi per visitare. Il Lago di Venere sarà uno di tanti e me piacerebbe andare presto!

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Hello @BeatrizAguilar

The hot springs look beautiful, Thanks for sharing

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Thank you @Karatrick . Let me tell you something, these hot springs have their origin by the volcanic activity of the South American Andes. Estimates for the number of hot springs located in Peru, for example, are five hundred (500) and in Chile there are reported three hundred (300) thermal waters. Mother Nature has been working for many millions of years and still she is active, modeling our envieronment.

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Ohh wow, Amazing I have never been to a Hotspring, now wondering what its like… By the way, Colombia is a very interesting country, I’ll be happy to visit someday. Thank you @BeatrizAguilar for sharing the information.

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That post went out of my radar @BeatrizAguilar , thank you so much for sharing this detailed and informative post.

Personally, I am fan of what you have described a peaceful place in the forest using up-cycled materials. Also, I know what you mean by the sulphur smell but it’s very good for the body.

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@Karatrick how is it being into a thermal water wells? You feel hot and the body responses to the vapors, the pores open, the breathing becomes slow and, on the first impact with the hot spring, you want to get out inmediatly, as when entering a colder pool. When you leave the hot spring, you feel a sensation of relaxing cold.

@VasT I left the sulphur over my body, because I didn’t take a shower after the healthy baths. It was a bad idea. The whole way back home I felt sick and I wanted to vomit because the smell.

Hi @BeatrizAguilar ,

Thanks for sharing this interesting post. It is so cold here in Bulgaria that visiting a hot spring would be one of the greatest things to do now.

Last summer was the first time when I had the chance to visit a similar place. In Bulgaria, in the city of Burgas there is the special area called Burgas saltworks. This place is located just next to the seaside, some 50 meters from the sea and one can find there lots of healthy and healing mud that can be put on your body. It is very healthy for the bones as the mud is very rich in minerals.

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I feel sorry to hear about your experience @BeatrizAguilar . How were the mud baths on the other hand? I have never tried something similar.

In Greece, my favorite place to go are Pozar Baths. First, you dive into the warm water of the natural pool (37°C), and then you shower in the small waterfall which is next to the pool.

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