Edits made in Cayenne won't be applied to my Local Guide profile ??

I have been involved in the Local Guide Maps program for a while and I really like it.

Recently I wanted to edit streets names on Maps ; I havent’ added many edits on the map but this time I was certain it was important.

A main street in Cayenne, French Guiana, needed its name to be updated on Maps.
Due to that location (French Guiana) I couldn’t do it straight from the Google Maps app on my mobile, there was no option for that ; then I had to go to the support forum online.
Here is the thread :

Maps Support Thread

It took me quite some time and efforts, I went in the streets, took pictures… and I sure enjoyed the process but still it seems these edits are not applied to my Local Guide profile:

My Local Guide Profile

I asked on the forum but I have been told that they don’t really know about that, then I asked to other Google support services, finally I was told the best way to get this solved would be to create a topic here on localguidesconnect.

To be honest I was kinda proud of myself, I was able to make a big change in the Maps, I mean here in Cayenne it’s big as this street is very central.
And not to mention the street has been renamed from Boulevard Jubelin to Boulevard Mandela which means a lot for people here because of the colonialist past of the place.

What I am trying to get done then is that these edits (3 streets names updated) are integrated on my Local Guide Profile.
That would have been automatic if the Maps features were normally usable here in Guiana, but as I had to do it “externally” I am now struggling with that.

Please anyone knows how I can claim these edits?
Thanks in advance,


Hi @RenanSavidan

A few questions:

Edits can not be claimed. Successful edits done via feedback does not show under our LG profiles. Except for getting a new road added. What did you mean by claiming edits?

You were kind to share a link to your maps profile (which is also available under your Connect profile), but please be aware that only you can see your edits. We can only see your photos and reviews.

Is this “your” renamed road: https://goo.gl/maps/9u25xKESwEsrorDXA?

You want to get three street renamings integrated into your profile. As I see it, this is not possible. Unfortunately. But this should not take away the pleasure and pride associated with improving Google Maps.

All the best


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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks a lot for your reply.

Edits can not be claimed. Successful edits done via feedback does not show under our LG profiles. Except for getting a new road added. What did you mean by claiming edits?

→ I think you can edit many thing with the Maps app as a local guide with contribute feature.

I just thought as well, if you do contribute that way, all edits you make are attached to your Local Guide profile.

You were kind to share a link to your maps profile (which is also available under your Connect profile), but please be aware that only you can see your edits. We can only see your photos and reviews.

→ I understand you see my public profile.

But you get points for edits for local guides right?

Is this “your” renamed road: https://goo.gl/maps/9u25xKESwEsrorDXA?

→ Yeap !

And it led to updates for these ones too:

Madame Payé

Elie Castor

You want to get three street renamings integrated into your profile. As I see it, this is not possible. Unfortunately. But this should not take away the pleasure and pride associated with improving Google Maps.

→ Really ?!

It means updating streets names is not considered like adding streets ?

I am surprised I thought all edits your make from your account/profile get attached to your Local Guide profile, at least you can yourself see them.

Thanks again.


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Hello again, @RenanSavidan

I’m not super experienced with counting of feedback, but I have not seen edits to roads show up under “Roads added”. Maybe someone else will share their experience on this.

Please understand the difference between the Suggest an edit setup and the Feedback setup. The first one is mostly automated and the second one needs staff involvement. Only a small fraction of changes stem from feedback compared to the automated process.

I think you might be taking the points and the list of contributions a bit too serious. I add photos and make edits mainly for the fun of it and because I like to help others. Not so much for the points although I have to admit the photo view counters are a huge motivator for me. But I also often flag photos for privacy, low quality, or because they were uploaded to the wrong pins. Flagging is not something we get points for.

All the best


I hope you will continue contributing eventhough not all contributions get listed or lead to more points.

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Hi @MortenCopenhagen

Thanks again.

It’s part of the fun, right? I mean the points, the gamification stuffs ; I understand you admit it.

Do I take this too much seriously, who knows ?

I just opened a topic here to ask questions because it seems I couldn’t anywhere else ; this is what I do, I try to go through things, it doesn’t mean I am greedy.

What I tried to explained is more or less that Suggest an edit was not available because of my location in Guiana, then I add to go through a different process to get the same result, like F****eedbacks

I just hoped it could be doable to get it on my account/profile, as I said I was quite proud of myself :wink:



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@RenanSavidan I fully understand that you would want at least to be recognized as the local guide who was responsible for such a major (and indeed “loaded”) street name edit. I would feel exactly the same. Unfortunately @MortenCopenhagen is correct (that is: as far as I know - I also have no factual knowledge about it, only my personal experience as local guide) that whatever gets submitted via “Send feedback” will not show up in your lost of edits, although those are indeed often the most impactful edits that can be made.

In the past, local guides could make much more edits compared to what they can do now, but this was shut down a couple of years ago due to increasing amounts of abuse. We just need to live with the situation as it is right now, I’m afraid.


Hi @JanVanHaver
Thanks for you reply and your understanding.

I understood the kind of edit I made is normally doable on the app, except not here in Guiana.
That’s why I am insisting and trying to get it recognized because I felt a bit disadvantaged.

But if you say that none of this kind of edit is ever doable, by instance, let’s say in Paris or in Copenhagen, then I have clearly no reason to insist.



It would be really helpful if you would use the tagging tool when replying to someone here on Connect. Type @ followed by the username. Type slowly. Then we get an e-mail notification and you are more likely to get a prompt reply.

Credit is due. You did a great job by getting 3 streets renamed. Only few local guides will ever achieve this.

I would suggest that you share some details on how you got these 3 streets renamed. Were you successful in the first attempt. What documents did you attach to document the new names?

You can use this link to an archive of all the feedback you have submitted:


Learning from your success can prove very valuable to other local guides.



I don’t understand what you wrote about some edits not being possible from your country.

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Ohh, I was not aware that Suggest an edit is not available in Guiana. That makes it easier to understand why you would like the credit to show on your profile. For us feedback is maybe 1 out of 1000 edits so it doesn’t really matter.

Maybe you need to lobby the relevant decision makers to get user generated content allowed in Guiana :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:



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Hi @MortenCopenhagen ,

Thanks for your reply,

Sorry about tags missing, my mistake ; I modified previous replies.

You are right I did use the Feedback option to ask what to do (it seems that’s what your link is about), but the main work has been done here :


And all details can be found there, I guess it’s public and it seems our conversations there were respectful, I don’t see reasons why it couldn’t be viewed.

It started when I explained with that picture below

That I had no option from my Maps app and my LG profile to try to update a street name.

Maybe this can answer your question @MortenCopenhagen :

I don’t understand what you wrote about some edits not being possible from your country.

Because what I understood is that you would get a different menu with more options in other places.

You can follow the link, it has been quite an interesting conversation.

Do you think it needs to be duplicated anywhere else ?

Maybe I could write another post on LG Connect, to to summarize this all.

Why not, but it wouldn’t probably solve my initial issue.



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Alright now you get it :wink: @MortenCopenhagen , I probably explained things badly.

I see I have 2 options :

  1. Like you say I could lobby the relevant decision makers to get user generated content allowed in Guiana
  2. Or I could have someone click somewhere for these specific circumstances

Which on do you think works the best ?

Thanks anyway,

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I only read the initial posts on your thread on Maps support. When all the documentation is there that is fine. I mistakenly thought that you made the changes only via your own feedback. So just forget about repeating stuff here.

It has been a pleasure and very interesting to assist you.




Having others do edits and submit feedback for you is not a viable option since we all should only make suggestions that we have personal and direct info about. Second hand documentation does not cut it.

So getting user generated content from Guiana allowed on Google Maps is probably the best option. But you most likely need to find friends to collaborate with to make it happen.

I wish you all the best


@RenanSavidan those type of edits are at this moment indeed not open for any local guide in any country or city.

But the suggestion to write a detailed post here about the process you went through could be helpful & inspiring for other local guides and will certainly bring a certain level of appreciation from the community - trust me, this is experience talking :wink:

OK Thanks both of you @MortenCopenhagen & @JanVanHaver for helping me.

I will see what more I can do.

And just in case I was not clear enough, what I meant by:

Option 2 : Or I could have someone click somewhere for these specific circumstances

Is I hoped someone at Google would maybe manually add these edits to my account.

I understand it might seem that I am really insisting a lot about that, but like I said I try to follow through most of the times. Until it’s pointless.

And @JanVanHaver , to be honest I don’t know what is doable or not according to which place you are in.


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Hi @RenanSavidan ,

I just wanted to let you know that I will remove the French language label from your post, because you are writing in English.

You are more than welcome to write in French, or any other language, as you know, all languages are welcome on Connect. You can find posts in a particular language here: How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

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Hi @MashaPS , sure I understand.

I guess I added that tag because it took place in a French territory.



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hi guys!

To follow up @JanVanHaver & @MortenCopenhagen , here is a quick update.

I finally found more time to write a simple guide to help: New Local Guides Post



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