I’m coming across an increasingly frequent issues with Google Maps wherby I’ll make an edit or add a business, including a photograph to back-up the edit, but the change goes to ‘Not applied’ almost immediately. ie. Within 30 seconds.
This is obviously too quick to be going through any sort of human review so I’m assuming ‘the algorithm’ is the culprit here. I’m a Level 8 LG and never used to have any issues getting edits published (for the most part), this problem seems to have started in the last month or so.
Thanks for trying to improve the accuracy of Google Maps by editing the information.
From time to time, your edits may not be applied as we reserve the right to disable user generated contributions for individual business profiles and business categories to prevent abuse.
There are certain items in Google Maps that you cannot edit and these include landmarks, established points-of-interests or even the names of a city/township. Only Google can edit these. The thing you can do is to send feedback and suggest changes on Google Maps.
Please also read the suggestions by @ErmesT in the previous reply.