Editing helps

I’ve always said that editing is hard. The reward we local guides get is that we help people using Google Maps get to their destination. Im sharing one of my latest edits that got approved recently. Yes it is one of the hardest contributions but also the most rewarding.


Editing can often help in 2 directions @Hkitty0573 : for the users of Maps and for business owners who are unaware that they can claim their business.

I am a big fan of making edits myself, and in fact a few episodes of my podcast (LetsGuide Podcast) deal with making various types of edits, so please do check it out, as you might pick up some tips to make even more edits (and get them approved more easily).


Hi @JanVanHaver You made some good points. I can also help a business add themselves to Map. I will definitely check out your podcast. Thank. It’s good to share knowledge. I appreciate it

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