Today, Sunday, January 27, 2019, we move to one of the villages in Batu City, namely the Village of Giripurno. Together with various communities and citizens, we echoed the Sabers Pungli movement, together plunging into the river wiping out all kinds of garbage that we found.
Some communities that support today’s movement are as follows :
Batu Local Guides
LMDH East Java
Alam Nusantara Pesantren
Baskomas Malang Raya
Family Welfare Education
Village Women’s Voice
Banser Kota Batu
Tagana Social Service of Batu City
Environmental Services
Giripurno Village Community Task Force
Golden Tulip Hotel
Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants Association (PHRI)
Babinsa Giripurno Village
Disaster Preparedness Cadets
Fokus Polres Batu
Kaliwatu Rafting
Batu City Tourism Service
The event began with a briefing ceremony from the coordinator of Sabers Pungli and then a speech by the Head of the Village of Giripurno. From here, all participants moved to the Buk Genjol River. Using various equipment, all participants began to pick up trash. Piles of rubbish are put into sacks, pulled together to the banks of the river, and loaded onto special vehicles carrying garbage carried by the Environmental Agency of Batu City
Then the participants were invited to have breakfast together with an appetizing rural special menu, to then go back down to the river to continue cleaning activities.
After the cleaning activities were completed, the event continued with an ecological discussion, hosted by a member of Batu Local Guides, Mad Berlin. On this occasion, the interim official of the Village Head of Giripurno conveyed quite a lot about Giripurno Village. Continued by the PHRI chairman, who requested that an official schedule be made so that PHRI members could always participate in the following activities. The Chairperson of the Family Welfare Education Activator, on this occasion also gave his appreciation and support for Sabers Pungli activities, where for the following week’s activities, the Sabers Pungli coordinator will be held by the community she leads.
@ndraverne Hahaha. Jeruknya bikin gagal fokus yaa.
@NunungAfuah Long time no see. Hopefully we can meet again in the next event.
@ErmesT Thank you for all the support and appreciation that you have given to our community. It becomes energy that always encourages us to do more.
To all members of the Batu Local Guides who continue to support and make endless contributions, I thank you very much. Without all of you, this will not happen
@Andri_lebos Kami juga patut berterimakasih, telah diterima dengan baik dan bersinergi dengan masyarakat Desa Giripurno. Semoga ke depan, kegiatan ini semakin menggurita di seluruh penjuru kota dan tahun 2020 kita benar-benar bisa mewujudkan Kota Batu bebas sampah.
Terima kasih sudah terus berbagi post yang sangat inspiratif ini, dan saya sangat berharap kegiatan ini dapat meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat luas dan semoga tetap semangat untuk menginspirasi.