Ecofriendly Green Tourism

#Caring for #ourEnvironment and the earth is a growing concern with all the pollution and carbon foot prints we are leaving. How do we leave beautiful places we have been, the same way we found them for our next generation? With over 1 million ecofriendly tourist in Thailand alone last year, this niche segment is growing. Unfortunately, there have not been a lot of locations marked on google maps for #ecotourism in my country. It’s my mission to highlight these places for the considerate traveller. Please don’t leave trash in someone else house when you visit, and please pick up after yourself before you leave, for a better tomorrow for everyone. What are some ecofriendly places in your country??


Hi @MarkEpicurean ,

Thanks for your bringing us to our attention and thanks for your advice! I absolutely agree with you that everyone should respect the planet and try to clean and to avoid throwing garbage. Your Google Maps list of eco-friendly places and causes is great!


I absolutely agreed with your opinion @MarkEpicurean and thank you bringing it up for enlightenment. You’ve done a great job for the mapping. Cheers!