Eco Friendly Campaign.

Hi Everyone,

Hope everyone is doing well and contributing more to Google Maps.

Here I am with an idea of doing our same work, with a new and additional agenda.

We all know that we add new places and sometimes we review them and describe them and people also do rely on our reviews( most of the times). So, what if we do something good to our planet with our work.

The plan is while reviewing or describing a grocery store/supermarket/general store/hotels(where takeaways are allowed)/any kind of shops, instead of just reviewing them let us add a line


Because we generally will not have the habit of carrying our own bags(at least most of them) while going to a grocery store … and we finally end up in using a new plastic bag/cover given in that store. And later we throw it away after coming home. This leads to excess plastic usage.

Of course it may not be possible, every time to carry our bag from home, but still, whenever it is possible to, let us carry our own bag(preferably not plastic). With this, we will be reducing the usage the plastic.

Why this…??

Because plastic is a carcinogenic agent and it leads to cancer(It also reduce the underground water levels eventually).

Taking food, packed in plastic bags, is the biggest mistake we do and this may be one of the reasons why there are more cancer patients today.

Most of us also know this but still, we do unknowingly. So, let us stop doing this and create awareness among people on plastic, with our little help(adding an extra line).So whenever people read our reviews, they will try to carry their bags( at least from next time when they go the store).

Waiting for suggestions and opinions from my fellow localguides,



Hi @YashwanthN09

Thanks for sharing with us your thoughts. I’m 100% with you. In many countries plastic bags are not allowed, and the store cannot sell them.

In Italy we can use paper bags, or reusable shopping bag, like this:



thanks for your support @ErmesT

It’s very good to see people carrying their bags in your place.

If you see the situation in my place and if you see the usage of plastic bags( some use cheap quality bags also) you will really get shocked. People here are using plastic for everything in huge quantity.

That’s the reason I got this idea. :slight_smile:

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Thank you @YashwanthN09

We started to see a change, in Italy, only a few years ago, with the new generations. Education started from the school, and now the “millennials” are educating their families.

It takes time, a lot of time, but it works


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