Eat less meat

Amidst the world’s worsening global climate crisis, the UN has just released a report on global land use and agriculture which has called for change to human diet and includes a policy recommendation to reduce meat consumption. What do you think about reducing your consumption of meat?

identifier.html (768 KB)

Caption: Lamb shoulder ready for a 12 hours slow roast (@AdamGT


@AdamGT Your photo is not showing up.

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Thank you for your message and alert @Shafak , I can see the photo so I wonder what is wrong. Can you check again and advise? I wonder if @ErmesT would be kind enough to also check.

@AdamGT my wife and I are pescatarian, although were vegetarian for many years before. I don’t eat meat other than fish for metabolism reasons.

We don’t buy or use processed vegetarian meals. Most of them contain a lot of corn or corn derived ingredients. They are in most cases very expensive for what they are. I see more and more vegetable processed meals on the market. The producers are making big profits from these products because they are inexpensive to produce because there is a large quantity of corn in them.

A book I have read several times is The Omnivore’s Dilemma. I recommend this book to read.

I am a trained chef and studied nutrition. Fresh food is always best. Processed food in many cases are doing people harm over time.

In regards to beef, I know they are bad for the climate, so it comes down to the reduction of beef stock around the world. Other meats aren’t as bad for the climate so people should have no concern.


Hi @AdamGT I’m 100% with this Idea, for 3 main reasons: 1) environment; 2) a diet with an excess of meat had a negative effect on health 3) the social and economic aspect. There are some researches that show that poorer people eat less meat because they cannot afford. So it’s unfair who can’t afford to eat a lot of meat and cause damage to the environment, which affects everyone. Thanks for sharing

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Dear @AdamGT , the photo is it not showing.

I have a problem with meat because I eat a lot of it, but I agree with you and I think that we definetly need to eat less meat.


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This is how it looks on both my mobile phone and desktop.

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Your photo is not visible, @AdamGT

You should check the sharing permissions of the folder


Now it is showing ok @AdamGT .

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Hi @AdamGT ,

I’ve already been a vegetarian for 18 years now and I don’t regret it at all. It started just as a diet change, because I had problems digesting the meat and after a month of quitting I felt much better. I do eat fish now from time to time, but I can’t eat meat any longer.


I’m confused @Shafak because I haven’t made any changes and now you can see the image but @ErmesT can’t!!! I wonder if anyone else cannot see the image? I will reply to all other replies shortly because this topicis of some interest.

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Now I can see the image too @AdamGT , while I wasn’t able to see the photo on my previous reply.

The symbol already shareb by @Shafak means that the photo, for some reason, was private, and we had no access to it

Now you are more confused @AdamGT lol. It’s @SebaasC for whom it’s showing up. It’s still not showing up for me.

@ErmesT it’s still not showing up for me. ?

@AdamGT Ваша фотография не отображается.

Вопрос в том, есть мясо или нет? Это только моё личное мнение. Мне кажется, что причина, по которой вегетарианство поначалу якобы работает, очень проста. Переходя на «здоровое питание», люди отказываются не только от животных продуктов, но и полуфабрикатов. Но нередко ситуация меняется, и они возвращаются к лимонаду и чипсам. А еще едят продукты с высоким содержанием глютена, сою и кукурузу, которые могут вызвать проблемы с пищеварением. Я не говорю, что нужно есть бекон каждый день. Но некоторые витамины и питательные вещества очень трудны для того, чтобы получить их из растительных источников. Например, веганы потребляют очень мало витаминов А и D. Лучшими источниками этих витаминов, жизненно важных для гормонального баланса, крепких костей и хорошего психического здоровья, являются рыба, мясо и печень. Вегетарианцы могут получить их из молочных продуктов, но если у человека аллергия, или он просто их избегает, то это путь к авитаминозу.

FIrstly, regarding the image… @Shafak , @SebaasC and @DanniS I have no idea why the image is not showing or if it is, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t @Shafak lol. If it is or was set to private as @ErmesT mentions then I have no idea why this would be. Now let me turn to the “meat” in the replies…

Yes, you have definitely something tricky on your google photo, @AdamGT

in this very moment I cannot see the image again, both on mobile and desktop.

Can you tell us how you shared the photo?

I see is is trough Google Photo. Did you shared an album and get the address of the photo? did you added in / changed the album after the sharing?

Czech people that don’t eat meat! That’s almost a contradiction in terms isn’t it, I mean what about Vepřo knedlo zelo!!! Anyway, I can understand why you would be pescatarian @TheEagleEye and have fish. To clarify, do you eat poultry (e.g. chicken, eggs) or dairy products? I agree with you regarding processed vegetarian meals and that fresh food is always best. I haven’t read The Omnivore’s Dilemma, it does sound interesting. Also interesting is that you are a trained chef and studied nutrition so you are much more knowledgeable than me on this subject then!

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Interesting point you raise @AlexandreCampbell about those who can afford to eat meat and those that can’t and, given that we’re talking about Climate Change, I guess the same applies to those that do and those that don’t own a motor vehicle. For example, I once read that the United States (population 329 million) has 4 times the number of motor vehicles per capita than China (population 1.4 billion). Imagine the impact of climate if China were to reduce this gap by increasing the number of motor vehicles on it’s roads!!!

I guess it’s a personal decision @SebaasC and I’m not inot telling others what to do or not do but good that you agree. Regardless, given the UN findings, who knows perhaps the world may be forced to change.

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