Easy way to submit your meetup

Hello, Local Guides!

Are you planning for a meet-up and do you want to apply easily, without the hassle of registering on a third-party site, etc.? Then, here is a simple method for submitting your meet-up.

As you are aware that we need to fill an “Invite URL” in Meet-up submitting form, as per Google guidance – right?. The “URL of event invite” also can be easily generated using Google Forms, which is extremely simple.

So let us Start…

Step-1: Create an RSVP form:

You may download the Template from Here & simply customize it as per your meet-up (Name, date, etc.)


Go to Google forms on your PC or mobile. Find the RSVP form Template and click on it.

  • Add meet-up banner using customize theme option.
  • Edit the title & description of the Form
  • Remove unwanted fields
  • Add any new fields as required.
  • Copy the link URL

I would recommend keeping the RSVP form as simple as possible.

(P.S. - Be sure to include the privacy policy and required disclaimer before sharing the form)

Step-2: Create a post on Connect

Go to Meet-up board on connect or start from the link Here

Start a new post. Add your meet-up name & description and in last add the RSVP link. Then publish your post.


Step-3: Submit a meet-up

Open the meet-up board on Connect and click on the Submit a Meet-up button (or take it from Here). Fill out the details. In the “URL of event invite” paste your meet-up post link. Upload your meet-up banner and click on publish to submit your meetup.

After approval, it appears on the meet-up page. Conduct the meet-up & enjoy.

Step-4: Post a recap

Post a RECAP post Here when your meet-up is successfully completed.


Naresh Darji



I hope this way my meet up will approve. Since last 1 week I submitted but it’s not approve I follow all guide lines. Yesterday I again submitted hope for the best

Regards Tejal


Very useful, thanks @NareshDarji .

Considering GDPR and the like there might need to be added a paragraph on how the meet-up organizer will handle the emails and when they will be delete.

I’m no expert on this but hopefully others will be able to suggest a few sentences to use.




Thanks for sharing nice and simple steps @NareshDarji

I will try this method for the next meetup.

However, I have never taken step #2 about writing a separate post for the meetup, though that is a good idea.

LG Connect automatically displays upcoming meetups in the Meetups section after submitting the approval form.

The AllEvents.in website that I use takes care of the rest including RSVP, etc.


Extremely simple method, thanks for sharing dear @NareshDarji .

As mentioned by our @MortenCopenhagen , email collection is an additional responsibility.

Otherwise, a wonderful METHOD, if Google approves such MEETUPs…

Thanks, once again.

:handshake: :+1: :pray:


Thanks for sharing this information and guidance @NareshDarji

Surely will submit in near future.


I hope it works. It would definitely be hassle free for me… Thank you @NareshDarji


It’s works perfectly @Tejal

I’ve confirmed that before the posting this post here.

Please check your meetup discription and submit your meetup again.


Email collection is optional here in this RSVP form. You can make it mandatory if you want to collect email. @MortenCopenhagen


Thanks @TusharSuradkar

Yes sure, you can submit a meetup using this way.

After approval meetups automatically displays in meetups section but sometimes if someone has a question regarding meetup they can’t able to write in post.

You can also see the response of your guests through Google RSVP form and also get email notifications if any person fills the form.


Thanks for your positive response @TravellerG sir.

Some meetups have recently been approved with this method and after making sure I’ve written this post to help others.

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Agree with that @NareshDarji

I was completely unaware of the possibility of posting a separate article announcing the meetup.

It is a good idea and serves the purpose of answering queries.

I plan to start doing the same from here onwards… :+1:


Thank you for your feedback @Gurukrishnapriya

@AnshukMitra it’s works perfectly.


Thank you so much @NareshDarji bhai for this useful information, links and tips ! I really found this useful as it is put into simple steps. Thanks for sharing this with us :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m happy to know that this post is helpful for you @Globe_trotter_Ish

Thanks for your response.



** @NareshDarji **

Thanks for Sharing informative post…


Always trying to support you all, dear @NareshDarji

This is a very valuable & useful method for meetups.

Highly appreciate your efforts

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A simple and smart way to create a meetup. Thanks, @NareshDarji ji for sharing this with all of us and especially for the new LGs in the community.

Waiting for more from you.

Stay safe and happy.

Have a great day!

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super guide sir have more guidelines for LGs on time too set up a meet ups by mently and physically exhausted in future alot of thanking you shared this great post sir thank.

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Will try this for the future meetup @NareshDarji thanks for sharing the tip