Here Google is announcing a new meet-up site to Local Guides Level 4+ and past meet-up hosts. We’re excited to give you the chance to try it out and submit a meet-up of your own. We want to make sure the site shows a diverse mix of meet-ups when we share it with Local Guides globally in a couple of weeks. Getting your meet-up featured on the new site will be a great way for other Local Guides to find out more about you and your local community.
So what’s new? A lot!
- Making it easier to find meet-ups — You can now filter by city, date and meet-up type.
- Quicker moderation — We’ll review your submitted meet-up within one week and notify you once it’s been reviewed. If approved, your meet-up will appear in the meet-up search results.
- A unique page for each meet-up — Once approved, you’ll receive a unique link to your meet-up page that you can share across social networks and other channels.
- Local Guides Connect — For approved meet-ups, we’ll automatically share a post on Local Guides Connect where you can discuss and share more details with attendees.
- Attendee registration — Local Guides can register to attend your meet-up right on your meet-up’s page. You’ll be able to set a maximum capacity for your meet-up and keep track of registration numbers as the date approaches.
- Automated notifications — Local Guides who sign up to attend will receive a reminder email a couple of days before your meet-up. We’ll also send you a reminder email to make sure you have everything set.
We’ll begin reviewing meet-up submissions now. Those that are submitted and approved in the next two weeks will appear on the site when we notify all Local Guides globally.
Check out the new site at and let us know what you think about in comment it below