Easy photo resizing for Connect using Squoosh!

We all like to contribute photos on Connect, but this platform’s file size constraints don’t match the files produced with modern mobile devices and cameras. Never fear, it is easy to resolve this impasse using a free Google tool called Sqoosh which can be found at https://squoosh.app/


  1. Visit https://squoosh.app/ and you will see a screen something like the one below

  1. You can press the square to select from your photo roll on your phone or file system on PC/Mac or you can drag files onto the pink area or paste them

  2. After selecting your image you will get a screen like

  1. Normally all you need to do is hit the blue download button in the bottom right hand corner and you will get a much smaller file than the one you selected and this is usually enough for Connect.

You might if you desire to use the Resize feature to reduce the physical pixel image width and height if desired.

After downloading you can then upload the image here to Connect.

Below is an example image I processed using Squoosh

Squoosh does all image processing on your device, it does not send the image anywhere.



Thank you @PaulPavlinovich . I could have used this today when my attempt to link directly to a Google Photos folder via HTML failed miserably.

I’m surprised I’ve never seen this in the list of Google apps/programs. Bookmark added, mate, appreciate it!


I used to use Whatsapp to connect :slightly_smiling_face: I used to send my photos to my friends on WhatsApp. And used to download from there and post on Connect. The quality of the picture is slightly worse. I will use your link anyway. Hope it works well. thank you @PaulPavlinovich .


@JustJake linking to Google Photos can be done but it is a pain to do it as you discovered.

@KhokonSharker tools like whatsapp, telegram, signal, etc. reduce the size and quality in their own interest - with this tool you’re in charge of the outcome



Brilliant website, @PaulPavlinovich

It works fast, no advertisements, and you can play with the compression level and see the result immediately.

On Android I normally use the LitPhoto app. But squoosh seems much better.

Thanks again



I’m really impressed by this tool @PaulPavlinovich . At first, I was very concerned because of the loss of quality on the preview, but then I realized that when resizing, I’m looking at it zoomed in by 200-300%.

There’s a lot of jargon in there to learn, do you have any default settings you use to get the cleanest resize?


I generally just open the file and hit the download link @JustJake - occasionally I will mess with settings if I want to resize the image but generally I do not.

@MortenCopenhagen it is very handy.




Good stuff! Thank you.


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hope its helpful to you @Scheria

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@PaulPavlinovich Thank you for sharing a very helpful tool.

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@PaulPavlinovich This is a gem! Thanks for sharing this mate.

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Glad its useful to you @JaceCacdac

glad it is helpful @PrasadVR

Vielen Dank @PaulPavlinovich für diesen Tipp!

Wie Andere zuvor habe auch ich zunächst Fotos an meinen Mann geschickt per WhatsApp um diese dann von ihm zurück geschickt zu bekommen. Irgendwann…

Als WhatsApp dann eingeführt hatte, dass man sich Dinge selbst zuschicken konnte wurde es leichter…

Mittlerweile bin ich dazu übergegangen Screenshots meines Fotos zu machen und dieses dann zu nutzen. Das bedeutet jedoch, dass ich zunächst den Beitrag auf Connect schreibe, dann speichere und auf dem Handy anschließend die Fotos in meinem Artikel einfüge…

Im Anschluss muss ich dann jedoch den Beitrag auf meinem PC erneut bearbeiten um die Fotos zu vergrößern…

Ich denke, ich werde das Programm ausprobieren. DANKE!

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Great, I hope it makes your workflow for posting easier @Stephanie_OWL


Выканаўшы ўсе вашыя інструкцыі ўстанавіла сабе на смартфон інструмент Google - Sqoosh.

Падумала - “мусіць нічога асаблівага, як і шматлікае іншае…” і працягнула карэктаваць памер фатаграфій ручным спосабам у “Галерэі”. Пры размяшчэнні фатаграфій у апошніх двух пастах вырашыла скарыстацца Squoosh. О, цуд!!! Лёгка змяніла памер фатаграфій пры размяшчэнні ў Connect. Вы - СУПЕР! Дзякуй што падзяліліся.

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Awesome @Tatsiana_T glad to have helped!

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