In the Bavarian Alps, the picturesque small city of Berchtesgaden is also known as Hilter’s headquarters during WWII.
From Berchtesgaden in the valley, you will climb to Obersalzberg and park there your car.
Visit the WWII Documentation Center, and step into a bus. It will take you to the Eagle’s Nest. The bus is compulsory, the road is closed to private cars : too dangerous. The drive is about 20 minutes, on a narrow and very steep road. Quite impressive indeed and somehow scary. You feel happy not to drive by yourself.
Video link to Bus to Kehlstein :
In order to avoid nauseous pilgrimages, Hitler’s residence, the “Berghof” was destroyed by the Allied Troops. But another building, the “Kehlstein Haus” still exists : a previous diplomatic reception place during the years 1930-1940 and now a tavern.
From the bus stop, a lift will climb you the last 124 m to the Kehlstein. The view on the surrounding mountains is breath-taking.
Have a warm drink on the terrace, it’s quite cold even during summertime : you are 1.800m above sea-level.
A short walk will lead you to the very top of the mountain, the daisy-cross.
Provided you don’t suffer of fear of heights and you are courageous enough, you can bypass the lift and walk back to the bus stop through a narrow and steep path.