
i’m a woman, who grew up in a big family. i’ve six brother and one sister, and don’t forget that i have super mom and super dad. every little thing in my life have a basic standard rule, which i hold it as guide for my whole life.
grew up in this family, i learn about everything. how to giving, how to demand something. how to be wise as a older sister, and how to be polite as a younger sister. how to treat each other, how to taking care each other. well, i’am completely complete here.

one of the point that i remember which this thing is important is about “Sharing”, let say, when we bought Durian, everyone have to eat the Durian, it’s not fair when you just can smell without eat the Durian. and everyone need to line up to get that fruit one by one. from this simple example i learn how to respect each other.
and all of that lesson, make me arise to be me, right now.

Sharing is have more value than just have a “respect lesson”, with sharing we see people smile, we can see the happy tears come out,
and we can feel happiness that other people felt. there’s is a billion way of sharing, and one of that way is “become a local guide”.

become a local guide, you guys, me, and all of us, we never know how much people feel helped because of us. even you just give a simple rating star, a simple photo, a simple video, and a simple review, we never know people can smile because their feel helped. we never know how much people happy because they easily find places that you marked.

sharing is easy,
all you just have done is kindness, let’s just keep it going:)

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