Drunch! An Upgrade in Brunch
Dosa, a south Indian delicacy usually served during breakfast
Drunch, yes you heard it wright. There is no typing error in it. Drunch is an upgrade or a new version of Brunch, specifically targeted, curated and created for the millennials. Just like brunch, drunch are also served in Sunday the only difference between drunch and brunch is the alcohol that is being served during drunch. Well before we go ahead and learn or get to know about the drunch first we need to know how was it inspired and from where it was derived? So, let’s talk about brunch first and after getting to know about the brunch we will have a clear idea about how and why was drunch created.
Dimsum, A North-eastern delicacy served as a snack
Brunch has its own different thesis on its origin or different history. One of which is like it was invented after taking inspiration from Hunt Breakfast which was famous in England, where people from leisure family usually go for hunt and when they return they use to have smorgasbord with the catch they have got with them, and also it use to include, chicken liver, sheep tongue, lamb meat, fish, pigeon and so on and so forth. Some say that it was invented after the World War 2 when women also started working and weekend was the only time when both the husband and wife use to get free time and even during this free time nobody wanted to cook or do any house hold chores, hence they started going out which created Brunch. However out of all the theory, the one I find more promising and relevant is the one where it is mentioned that brunch was invented by keeping in mind the people who use to go for Sunday Mass and during this mass they also use to keep early fast, so when the mass use to end they use to rush to their house and break fast as well as have meal as it was somewhere between 1000 hrs to 1100 hrs the mass use to end the families use to include both breakfast and lunch items in the meal.
Chicken tikka, A Norther cuisine served along with drinks and also as an appetizer
Now as we know how and where the brunch was incepted. Let’s see how beautiful and creatively it gave way for drunch which is the, in thing now and is trending all over the world, loved by everyone and created by all the professionals. Drunch meaning “Drinking over Lunch” or it is also known as “Drinking + Lunch”. Well the logic for creating a Drunch is comfort and convenience of the guest. How? Let me explain you all. Most of the people work during weekdays and they get time for themselves during weekend. So, what happens during weekend is that this people get intoxicated or drunk like there is no tomorrow on weekends. However, this becomes a bit of a problem on Monday which is their working day, so what can be done which might easy out the pain or difficulties of this people. This problem gave birth to Drunch. Now see on Saturday evening people party hard and want to enjoy to the fullest as they know that tomorrow i.e. Sunday, they have a holiday, & they can afford to get up late as they do not have to go to work or doesn’t need to report to anybody but what about the Sunday, they can’t do the same on Sunday evening and also on Sunday mostly all of them, Maximum people get up late so how can they utilise this day to the fullest without having a guilt that they wasted their Sunday by doing nothing and living in a fear of the coming Monday. That’s where Drunch came in as a saviour and freed their soul from the ruthless agony of living in the fear of the coming Monday.
Kulfi, A dessert usually had after the meal or during anytime of the day depending upon the mood
Drunch typically includes 60-40 ration, i.e. 60% Drinks and 40% food on its spread, and more importantly the drinks include light and refreshing drinks on its menu, no hard liquors. Majorly the drinks menu will consist of Mimosa, Mojito, Bloody Mary, Sangria, Wine, Beer etc. food will vary, it will have few of its thing from the breakfast composition, few from the lunch. Drunch is very famous among the Millennials, especially people from IT hub who have all the time on weekends and are looking for places to spend their time during weekends, but they also want to be conscious when they go back to their work place on Monday so that they can be creative and be productive for the firm. A lot of hotels, Restaurants and hi-end places have boarded the bandwagon of Drunch and are attracting guest with various lucrative offers. To give an e.g. Sunday brunch at JW Sahar at Andheri airport, Mumbai is prices at INR 2700+taxes where as drunch has 2 variations 1. With Alcohol is prices at INR 3800+taxes and 2. with Champagne is priced at INR 4500+taxes. Another one, The Little door (Stand alone restaurant) offers brunch for INR 797+taxes and Drunch which includes beer & Sangria is priced at INR 1297+taxes and one where they serve Spirits is priced at INR 1497+taxes. Long gone are the days where only the elite and leisure group had an access to all this, the time has changed now everyone with budget can experience and enjoy this thing as per their convenience. The only difference one might face will be the brand of alcohol and food spread on the buffet but the experience will be the same