Drink alcoólico com a fruta Pitaya Rosa, muito encontrada aqui no Sul do Brasil.
Refrescante e Lindo!
Alcoholic Drink with pink Pitaya fruit.
Refreshing and Beautiful!
Drink alcoólico com a fruta Pitaya Rosa, muito encontrada aqui no Sul do Brasil.
Refrescante e Lindo!
Alcoholic Drink with pink Pitaya fruit.
Refreshing and Beautiful!
Hi @Ariadlis ,
Thank you for sharing this lovely photo with us.
The drinks look amazing and very refreshing. Is this a traditional alcoholic drink in your country?
No, the tradicional alcoholic dink in Brazil is “Caipirinha”.
The most commom is made with lemon, “cachaça”, sugar and ice.
Cachaça it’s like our vodka, made by the fermentation of sugar cane.
Hi @Ariadlis ,
Thank you for your replay. This sounds really tasty
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Thanks for the tip @MoniV !