Drawing some important missed roads

Hello dear @MortenSI

In the past months, I’ve reported some Important missed roads to draw.

But still, none of them are applied. These are key roads and are important to be on the map. All of these roads have two sides for the round trip.

I appreciate it if you help to draw these roads on the map as soon as possible.

1. Tehran -Shomal Freeway

link of the start: https://goo.gl/maps/x9UZECt7jiB1dhBs9
link of the middle: https://goo.gl/maps/uV2scSk2hdLkWDyC6
link of the end: https://goo.gl/maps/gprPYS6TkgG9kQRy8

English name:

Tehran - Shomal Freeway

Persian name:

آزادراه تهران - شمال

This road is also a main route in Iran and has a number: 3

(Wikipedia article:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tehran-Shomal_Freeway)

Most parts of the road are visible in satellite imagery and some parts aren’t because the road has some tunnels, but the whole path of this freeway is clear in satellite imagery. I also attach some other maps as help for drawing: OSM , Waze

2. Shohadaye Alborz Highway

link of the start: https://goo.gl/maps/VsXBnsjUmrqtgLjp9 (Although some parts have drawn before with the wrong name, so the name of these parts should change to what I’ve written down)
link of the middle: https://goo.gl/maps/fbRAaerENgapiXBz7
link of the end: https://goo.gl/maps/fvv9xiEVvxnzVCp69

English name:

Shohadaye Alborz Highway

Persian name:

بزرگراه شهدای البرز

Most parts of the road are visible in satellite imagery and although it has one tunnel, the whole path is clear. I also attach some other maps as help for drawing: OSM , Waze

3. Azadi Underpass

link of the start: https://goo.gl/maps/Ye4qqXADHx5zxcLE8
link of the middle: https://goo.gl/maps/EsgWcwhqHWgGFdiT9
link of the end: https://goo.gl/maps/KKffwwkSFVZePVLk7

English name:

Azadi Underpass

Persian name:

زیرگذر آزادی

Some parts of the road are visible in satellite imagery and some not because this is an underpass but the whole path is clear. I also attach some other maps as help for drawing: OSM , Waze

I appreciate it if you help to draw these roads.
Thank you so much


There are several road missions in our area. But the system to add them is not turned on.

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Yes @user_not_found , in some areas reporting roads aren’t available but for most of them, the governmental or municipal authorities can cooperate with Google directly, to update the roads. But unfortunately, right now this is not applicable for Iran and the only way to update the map is our reports. For Bangladesh, I think our friend @SoniaK can advise better.

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@MortenSI @sonnyNg Excuse me. is there any help, please?

It seems by my request, the Tehran - Shomal Freeway drawn, but some parts have no name and also the Freeway number (3) isn’t on the map.

Other road reports contain “Shohadaye Alborz Highway” and “Azadi Underpass” aren’t still on the map.

Hello dear @ErmesT , Sorry to take your time. I appreciate it if you could escalate this to the team.

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Hi, @Amiran

Don’t worry about tagging me, Connect Moderators are here to help.

BTW, due to the Covid emergency, some service in Google maps is not active with the same speed that they had in the past, as you can read on UPDATED: Temporary product changes in Google Maps

I didn’t responded earlier on your post as I saw some moderator was already tagged.

But it seems there is some issue with notification, so let me tag another one, @JavieraAu for a check


Thank you so much @ErmesT

Yes, I’m aware of Covid19 situations but my road reports were before Google’s announcement about the emergency conditions.

I remember one time I told on Connect that because Google has no office in Iran, unfortunately most of the road reports go pending for months! But since these ones are important roads I described here to get help.

Thanks for your help :pray:t2: :hibiscus:

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Hello @Amiran ,

As I see @ErmesT has already mentioned, we’ve been experiencing some changes in the approval process due to the current situation.

I’m aware that you submitted your edits before the announcement but have in mind that any edits that were under review at the time of the new changes are very likely to have been caught by the changes as well.


Thank you @MortenSI

But I don’t think this delay be due to the current conditions. Unfortunately pending for months is something happens for most of the road reports in Iran.

I have hundreds of road reports those are still not appeared on the map. And these are only my reports. Other users have also many pending reports in Iran.

For example

This report is for last year

Or this one is for 2 years ago!

And these are only two examples from hundreds of reports those aren’t still on the map.

Surely this is not true, and not possible to write all pending road requests in Connect but at least for most important key roads, there is no other way to request here, when I know the delay is not because of the current conditions and even the completion of the map based on reality is more helpful in the pandemic.

Anyway based on another request, two roads drawn (although needs more work) and only number3 remained: Azadi Underpass that I reported on Jan 29:

Thanks for your attention, Stay safe