Draw and Exhibit
Dhaka, Bangladesh
June 13, 2020 @ 19:30 (+06)
During this COVID19 situation, we are having more time at home. It has allowed many of us the time to revisit an old hobby or hidden creativity. Drawing is a hobby for many of us. Drawing offers a direct and immediate method of trawling the imagination and allows the hand to give free expression to that which is buried in the recesses of the mind. Local Guides from around the world are invited to join this virtual meetup to exhibit their drawing and painting. During this meet up we will discuss drawing, painting. From which shop you love to buy drawing materials. What types of colors you love to use for drawing. Are you currently helping any drawing shop to manage their shop information using Google maps? You can also exhibit your drawing during our meet up. All types of drawings/paintings are welcome. It will be an interesting meet-up. Date: Saturday, June 7.30 PM (GMT+6) Meetup Link: https://meet.google.com/nwn-dcym-zcp Notes: 1. Install Google Meet if you are going to use mobile 2. Leave the microphone in “mute” unless talking. 3. All are welcome 4. Click the Meet link 5 mins before the start of the meet-up. We will start at 7.30 PM GMT+6