
Does anyone know what this new icon is about?

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Hello @Elis_a_beth are you referring to those red pins all over the screenshot? If I look up that exact same place on maps, they are not there for me.

@JanVanHaver Exactly. This point appears and disappears. I would like to know exactly what it is.

@Elis_a_beth what do you think is meant with the icon in those pins? I can’t come up with any meaningful suggestion. And what happens if you click them?

@JanVanHaver nothing happens. because before they get close they disappear. But it’s alright. Thank you for your attention!

Hi @Elis_a_beth ,

Thanks for reaching out.

Red icons appear for many other things such as tourist attractions, restaurants, shops, museums etc. Sometimes these icons are letters for example H for hospital or P for parking. For more information about pins, you can check out the How to use Google Maps article.

In case of any other questions, feel free to check the Google Maps Help Center.

PS: I have re-labelled your post and it now appears in the How-tos section.



thanks for the help. My question was about the red icon I’d never seen before. The drawing on it is different and I did not find the subtitle of it. I’ll go to the links you recommended.


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