Hello friends,
This goes in brief, we all know that the world is going through such a tough time to overcome the pandemic Covid-19 caused by corona virus. Know that the bad thing is that everyone is a potential victim but the good news is that everyone is a potential solution. So don’t be a victim be a solution. Pray for yourself, pray for the patients, doctors and the world at large. Stay at home, keep a social distance as quarantine. Wash your hands with soap and alcohol based hand rub, sanitizer. Cover your mouth whenever coughing and report anything like a symptom.
Remember if you’re not infected at least you’re affected, each one teach one as you sensitize others to sanitize. Don’t be a victim, be a solution.
Together we make it better @katoibrah .
Love your real action , do it even just a small action
Thank you for being a kind person. I most of the time do what I say because it comes down from my heart. If we act all together we can end this pandemic.
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배려하는 마음을 기본으로 삼아야 합니다. 나를 지키는것이 곧 타인을 지키고.
우리를 지키는 가장 쉬운 방법입니다.
기본적인 준수사항만 잘 지켜준다면
우리는 꼭 이겨낼 수 있습니다.
우리는 대유행 친구를 극복하고기도하고 함께 행동합시다.
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During this perilous time, we need to step up and help end this Pandemic disease as soon as possible, simply by following the set out procedures by the Health workers across the Globe.
Stay at Home, Cover you nose and Mouth, Sanitize your Hands, Disinfect your Housewares,
Stay safe
Remain Safe.
Help the Health workers by doing this.
Thank you for this beautiful post @katoibrah
@Austinelewex thank you for such a great message and being part of the struggle, let’s fight this pandemic history will tell.
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I am touched beyond Words
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@rizbab28 thank you for the kind reply, hope you put my words in action. You know actions speak louder than words
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It’s true and I am already indulged in such practices, thanks.
@rizbab28 @It’s a pleasure to read this from you
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Hi, I hope you are in good healthy condition. @katoibrah
Thank you for remain us to stay healthy and be optimist.
Keep contribute on Google Maps and Keep calm, stay healthy and always be happy.
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Yes @BudiFXW I’m in good health and I hope you’re as well, we always have to fight with all efforts we can to win many problems like this pandemic.
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@katoibrah , you are very creatif…hopefully the corona virus outbreak will end soon
My friend @Wisnusetiono , the pandemic will soon come to an end, all we have to do is to put in action what the health workers advise. Cover your mouth whenever coughing, practice social distance, stay at home if necessary, report anything like a symptom, wash your hands regularly with soap, use an alcohol based hand rub called a sanitizer, the recommended sanitizers should at least contain 60% alcohol and more.