Does Karachi has small businesses?

Most of the posts related to the city of Karachi belongs to main landmarks or the places where you find many people. As Karachi is still a developing city, it route gets changed with the passage of time when there is a new road being built, or a new building being constructed or may be a new restaurant opens up.

Yesterday, I went to Sharfabad side of Karachi, I witnessed a huge difference. I never saw many big shops there that just has been opened in the last few months. As far as I remember, the places in Karachi gets popular when the places get its recognition. You could literally think that was this place lively before these tiny restaurants or small shops?

So, small businesses play an important role in making a place better and lively in Karachi. It could be a food business or new shop for kids as the people of Karachi loves two things: Shopping and Eating. Small businesses make Karachi unique. Hence, we need to make sure to add small shops and businesses into Google Maps to make it more accessible.

Let me give an example of this scenario, last year, a huge store, IMTIAZ Super Market opened it new store Block 3, PECHS for 24/7. After an year, I could see, a new milk shop, a huge sweet shop, a small cart burger shop, a cart of popcorn and might be, you find some beggars as well. So, the point is that big businesses allows businesses to grow around it and that is what happens in Karachi.

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