Does Google maps Resolve issues??

@AlexaAC check this profile since a year I am reporting about the profile top featured pic, that belongs to some other location but in spite of repeated reporting your end people intentionally change the pic of some other location, check the profile of spp silks I posted 360° photo as well elevation pic posted yesterday.

I strongly feel its intentionally done because he doesn’t know English whoever is posting, otherwise he will not post the pic of Nethra Apparels located at 22 Thiruvenkatasami street Erode.

Lastime too before reporting I checked the pics at spp silks when the current top featured pic was not there but now it appeard posted by a stupid level 6 local guide, check his pics in his profile, I think that local guide is thinking maps as social media platforms where he can post selfie and family photos on google maps. God only knows how such profiles are allowed to be a local guide???


@Raghavan1 , yes sir, I also think google needs to speed up actions after a profile or a place is reported. I have been seeing the same place on map for even months in spite of reporting as spam!!

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Hi @Raghavan1 ,

Thank you for your feedback, however, we’d like to remind you that Connect is a place where we are helpful and use positive language to encourage others.

That said, the current available feature for reporting inappropriate content on Google Maps is to report a problem. Alternatively, you have the option to contact the business owner to report the photo as options are available to the person that claimed the listing.

To report the Local Guide, I will send you a private message with instructions.

P.S. I will move your post out of Travel and to How-tos, as this is where we post questions. Please take a moment to recap What are Connect topics.


  • @TraciC Respected madam, please have a look into the screenshot attached, am reporting since a year but everytime your moderators including AlexaAC had closed the year old issue why??
  • She is asking me to contact the business owner of that shop instead of resolving the issue that had to be done by her.
  • Do you the the owner of that business who is repeatedly complaining me can change the profile top featured photo of some other business on his profile top??? Check spp silks 531 Eswaran koil street, Erode Tamilnadu India 638001, you will find top featured photo of this business is replaced with some other shop located at some other street, and since a year your moderators are intentionally not correcting it but always replacing the profile top pic with some other business elevation photo.
  • The way your moderators moved this issue as closed the issue proves she closes many of the issues without even looking into or reading it, can’t she check the name of the business and the name mentioned in the profile top featured pic of some other business???
  • the owner of the SPP SILKS who had flagged a year ago and me too reported many times related to this resulted to one big ZERO, and even now your moderators doesn’t want to change that.
  • You may check yesterday as well on the day I created that location of Spp silks erode I updated visiting card, elevation pics too, do you thing the owner will post the elevation pic of some other business on his profile??
  • So far I have not seen any actions taken against FLAG OPTION OR REPORT PLACE,and the way moderator AlexaAC closed this time also proved these ppl are intentionally not resolving but blindly closing issues, DISABLING THE ATTACHMENT OPTION TOO, WHY???
  • Even this time my attached screenshot is one among the old attachment.

Red the reply of moderators, this time also they closed without even reaching the profile I am reporting on, and asking me to send the link of the guides profile, which can be very well viewed on reachinh the profile screenshot I have attached.

Day by day things are turning too bad, what will you do if something else is done irrelevant to your report for more than a year?? Do you think a business owner will upload some other business elevation pic on his own profile top pic???

This simple things also is not resolved in this connect, then what else can we expect from these moderators over here who close issues blindly???

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For everyone’s privacy we do not share publicly any profile on Local Guides Connect @Raghavan1 , and for this very reason you have received (or you will receive soon) a private message from @AlexaAC , for opening a private line for you to reporting the abuse.

In addition, I would like to remember to you that in Connect we respect everyone, and a positive language would be more appropriate.

A simple “I want to report a Local Guide” post is more helpful than “this is my screenshot, go and search for it”, and you will probably have a faster reaction, reporting on the correct way, instead of assuming that everything is obvious. There are millions of Local Guides that are contributing on Maps every day. Providing the information in the appropriate way, will help Google to fix the issue quickly.

Thank you


Hi again @Raghavan1 ,

We have the details you provided previously and we ask for your patience in the matter, thanks.

I will merge your post with the similar thread you already have and ask that keep similar topics in one thread.

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Is SPP Silks your business @Raghavan1 ?

Have you reported this issue using the image reporting functionality within Maps? This support article will help you understand the correct way to do this

It’s interesting that you keep your own contributions all private while freely judging others.



@Raghavan1 cannot be the owner of the business, @PaulPavlinovich

The business apparently is claimed, even if no photos nor videos nor 360° are from the owner. Also I agree that is quite strange for a Local Guide to add a whole set of Commercial videos on a POI, or to produce the set of video by himself but, who knows?



@ErmesT Hi there sorry for the late reply, How are you friend ? As you both assumed SPP SILK is not my business because of which I reported here, the real fact is by mistake I gave my contact number to those people and right from the day one I met those people their profile was always having the profile pic of some other business locations.

Basically am from Chennai not Erode Tamilnadu India. So plz don’t misunderstand.

In regards to my strong language that you reminded to be polite, at this point I would like to say am 60years by age and am the last person to go harsh on words.

I will explain why a person go bad in his words,

  1. assume you are a tyre dealer and want to change your profile top pic of your own business and I have the option to do that and keep changing your elevation pic of some other location what will you do?? Once, twice, three times ok even on fourth request if I change your profile to pic with someone elses elevation pic will you keep quite?? Even after precisely providing all the details to me, if I keep doing the same What will you conclude???

Regarding my private profile I met with an bad experience over google maps.

Some time before there was a post "How many are from Chennai?? So many guides responded and shared their profile to each other in turn some guides started visiting my places where I had huge views and later my pics were moved down from featured pics.

This is the reason I made my profile private.

I know ppl can visit my locations but they cant have all photography equipment’s I have Including Drone.

I do my work full-time on maps but don’t run after anybody for anything except when it goes beyond my control.

I might live for another 2 or 4 years but I do my photography with real passion, and I found this platform a better option.

Nothing else.

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I will try to be clear: the business is claimed, so it can be a better and more powerful solution for the owner of the Listing on GMB, (Google MyBusiness), to report the picture on GMB: Remove photos from your business listing

If you want to report here, as I already said, is much easier to say “I have to report a local guide” asking to be contacted, instead to start an infinite and unfair sequence of complaints, due to a misunderstanding about how to report a Local Guide.

Hiding your contribution on your profile is an option available and a personal choice, so this is up to you. But this will not hide your contributions on the business listing. Honestly, it sounds weird to me that a Local Guide take time to edit and upload Commercial Videos on a Business Listing so, if I have to come to a conclusion, I probably only have two options:

a) The videos are not yours. In this case, you should not upload them, as this is against the rules

b) You are producing contents for the Business. This is ok, and is in line with your last sentence “I do my work full-time on maps”, but in this case you should close your Local Guide account, because Local guides is a Volunteer activity, not a Full time work, and being paid is against the program rules .

Hope this can clarify our previous replies


@ErmesT hi there yes am doing volunteer service to pass on my retired post life. I dont like sitting idle.

@ErmesT hi there yes am doing volunteer service to pass on my retired post life. I don’t like sitting idle.

@ErmesT in my past reply I missed to show you something why I went bad on my words, the second main reason I did not complain on the local guide is I knew its not the guide who posed the erong pic at wrong place but its someone at maps who is doing this, from the day one I reported on spp silks, ppl either was not replacing the right pic on the top or delete the entire pics posted by me on some other profile, and yesterday also they did the same thing, resolved the spp silks issue but deleted all my pics posted on satyam synthetic. This is how ppl at maps do.

@AlexaAC hi madam, thanks for your help rendered yesterday and am sorry to say I have become the victim of someone working at your end.

These are your own words please read…

Connect is a place where we are helpful and use positive language to encourage others. Thats right what you wrote, nobody is born bad but when we find something BAD happening at your end what we can do. Since a week am in touch with you and every time you resolve one issue of mine ppl first create another issue then resolve the previous one. This was the reason I did not report on local guide whos pic was posted on profile top of spp silks. Am aged 60 and you must be of my daughter’s age, and I too know manners or how to be good. Everytime if another chain of issues are created by your end ppl will you keep quite ??? Now take the example of yesterday your own people resolved spp silks issue but also deleted all my photos and 360 pics from "SATYAM SYNTHETIC 184, Eswaran kovil street Erode Tamilnadu. Now tell me who csn delete all my photos?? This sort of things are going on since 2 year at your end, thats I went bad in my language, now tell me do you have any answer to that happened to me yesterday??? Do you think some local guide came and deleted all my pics posted just 2 days ago??? EXPECTING YOUR EXPLANATION.

Thank you for clearing that up @Raghavan1 you should not worry about your content being less featured, Maps always pushes newer content over older content.

Can you describe further what you mean by “work full time on Maps”?

There are people who may look to the casual observer like a Local Guide but they are actually Street View trusted photographers - they are paid to create (usually) 360 content but there is no reason they can’t also do stills, video, branding and SEO. There are some that offer complete packages like that.



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@PaulPavlinovich hi there, thanks for your msg, I think you still need to know many things over here, am 60 by age and photography is my passion, I enjoy doing thing on my ways being within local guides policy, and according to my experience I had practically seen being s guide we should be sweet in our language while writing, ACCEPTED but have you ever seen things being done intentionally over maps??? You came in touch with me when I had SPP SILKS ISSUE, you know the subject only from here, but the realities of maps you were not aware, will you keep quite when you find before any of your issue was resolved another issue was created for you by maps ppl??? YES I HAVE SEEN SUCH SICK PEOPLE EXISTING ON GOOGLE MAP, Just take the example of yesterday before resolving my spp silk issue, these people have deleted all my photos from SATYAM SYNTHETICS 184 Eswaran kovil street, Erode. 638001 TN.

This is the result of seeking of help fro connect or Forum.

Anything that goes, becomes like

This is what is happening since a year with me.

My profile is hidden because of this, nobody except google maps ppl can access my account to delete the contents, under these circumstances where can all of my posted approved photos went??

Once ok, twice ok , three times ok even fourth time also if these sort of thing happens to you, will you keep quite??

I know the pain of carrying the photographic setup with me, and how many ppl we need to meet to take permission to take photographs of stuffs and jewelleries too.

Hi @Raghavan1 no one can delete your content. Google can mark your content private if it contravenes the User Contributed Content Policy then only you can see it.

Just so you are aware, everyone can still see your contributions because all contributions are public. The setting you’ve made is to not show your contributions on your profile but if you go to a place where you’ve contributed then people can see your photos, reviews and ratings for that place. It is certainly harder to find your content because you have to find a place you’ve been to (such as SPP Silks).

Your best way forward for future issues is to use the reporting features within Maps. Where you find an extreme case or it seems after a few weeks that your report hasn’t been acted on and you feel it should be you can post in the How To topic here on Connect with the subject “I want to report a Local Guide please contact to me” with no other information in that post then a Googler will reach out to you privately for the information and can investigate and if warranted act on it. When they reach out be polite and concise and only include facts with links to the material in preference to screen shots. There are billions of items of content on Maps, finding something via a screen shot is not viable.

Please also give a thought to the people handling the reports. It would be hard for someone who does not know the area to know that the photo you reported was not right because its hard to tell without going to the store and taking a look for yourself what is absolute certainty.

In summary, use the existing reporting features, be positive polite and concise with only the facts and in extreme cases report the Local Guides here on Connect by asking to be contacted.



Hi there am at almost level 10 I know everything if I made my you can also veiw my contents on the business profile , but after having approved and posted on business profile do you think google makes my photos 360’s invisible on the places I posted???

@TraciC Hello madam, I have a question plz don’t mind, why is that I an being so much troubled by your team as well moderators, everytime I request for a ISSUE to be resolved its not done or if it is done some other issue is created first (Chain Of Issues) then resolved the previous issue, just a week before too same thing happened regarding SPP silks Erode Tamilnadu India, that AlexaAC (moderator) closed it but after trying to reach you I received a reply from AlexaAC asking me to wait for 48 hrs, Later though the issue was resolved but before resolving that your own people deleted all my approved photos, 360° pics from ,“SATYAM SYNTHETIC” 184 Eswaran kovil street Erode Tamilnadu India, that was posted just two days prior to my complaint I made related to SPP silks, and since a year am noticing the same pattern of trouble is extended to me, and very next day when I saw spp silk was resolved I was 100% sure out of my past experience with maps ppl, I checked back all my postings and found SATHYAM SYNTHETIC Pics were all deleted.

Well madam I know how your people don’t do anything against my feedback, nor reviews on playstore Can you please put an end to all these going on at your end, it is this pattern of trouble given to me since a year made me go little harsh in my words, as everybody have there limit of being patient enough for a year.

Even this issue I notified to AlexaAC but so far no reply since 3 days that proves it has been done to me intentionally so that If I keep repeating complaints one day you will also stop helping resolve issues.

Am 60 by age and I can read the pattern in which these ppl are troubling me though I had never even seen anyone or spoken to your end ppl then WHY ALL THESE KIDDY THINGS GOING ON HERE??