Does anyone else get lost in maps?

Do you ever get lost in maps.

Quite often I will go in to edit or add a place and I’ll notice a pin in an odd place.

Before I know it I’m searching the internet to find out where the pin should be then I find it on street view and edit the pin.

While doing this I often spot more things that don’t look right and before I know it a couple of hours have passed.

Is it just me?


Saya juga seperti anda perlukan bantuan dimana pin yg letakkan sepatutnya di tempat yg lain

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Yes, Since I do travel a lot, I frequently found this problems/

Thats why GoogleMaps give the opportunity to us as A Local Guides to do edit,

According my experiences,The frequent problems is always forget to set my google to the trassportation mode, car or bicycle or walking.

If using car we should prefer tolls or non tolls.



Yes, I know that feeling all too well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :heart_eyes:

