Do you need a drink? Cheers!

Maybe this post about bars is because my first picture in Local guides with a lot of views was a picture in a bar with my friends, so easy and so great! Or maybe it’s because I love having a good time drinking, talking, dancing, singing; you would not know …

How many things can be happening in a bar just right now? Can you imagine? If the walls had ears … A bar is not only a facility or commerce, is a experience, a place to disconnected for problems, meet with friends, build a relationship. It’s for birthdays, special dates, on weekends, to close a business deal, or after an awful day (even a great day) is always a good idea to go to a bar.

When I travel, I think going to a bar its a great idea to know better the life there, and the pictures and opinions are really important to choose a place without losing time, so If I can do that for another people whose visit my city I’ll really want to do it!

But you can’t forgot the most important thing its be yourself wherever you were, but If you are in a bar you can give or search an opinion :slight_smile:

I think Local Guides community its an awesome idea to show locals spaces for another people, to see places from every part of the world, and if I can share that, I love doing it with something that I love and its so fun!

Do you have a good story in a bar? I want to know it! Cheers! Serefe! Salud!

I am not alcoholic haha ​​I just like to have a great time!