Do you consider this StreetView image as bad quality that should be reported?

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What don’t you like about it @YK1001 ? The blur of the camera platform is a bit amateurish but it conveys the local area pretty well and is well lit. I wouldn’t report it.

Regards Paul


For overall impression, that image is OK.

Bit I only find this kind of “stitching errors” from the Google StreetView team very recently.

I am worried their algorithm might have some hiccups resulting with this kind of defects.

If that is considered normal, then I will follow your advice and not report similar images.


If thats was a random local guide,
Frankly I have seen far worse on even commercial tours and would not want to ruin a guy’s day who is shooting handheld with his smartphone.

BUT. this is a serial problem and is on-going exactly the same in the entire series, before and after the frame you are showing. and it looks to be a streetview camera car, its so consistent that it is likely to literally be a dislocated camera. I would definitely report this, to the streetview car team.

*Im not related to the StreetView team, but have build several spherical rigs, typically each of those are fairly carefully calibrated, guessing this is the situation with StreetCars also, because pixels comparison is too time-consuming for down the street kinda shoots, its easier to fine-tune the camera positioning accurately and adjust frames in post live. if a camera gets dislocated the frame would stay in the position it normally should be. I don’t know… but pretty sure this can be fixed on the car :slight_smile:



While that error in the image is not too nice, @YK1001 , I agree with @PaulPavlinovich that it’s not too relevant and does not distract from the overall experience of seeing the main object there. Some minor errors (especially around the nadir or zenith areas) are allowed anyway. This is what the guidelines say:

  • 360 photos must wrap 360Âş without any gaps in the horizon imagery. These images do not have to extend to the zenith and nadir (top to bottom), but between the top and bottom edges of your 360 photo only minor gaps/holes are acceptable.
  • Minor stitching errors are acceptable but those with significant stitching artifacts may be rejected.

Of course I would not like to publish such images but let’s say they are better than nothing. :slight_smile:


It’s quite possible @BoLorentzen that we’re looking at imagery streamed from a Theta V using the new Street View app feature to make Street View paths from video. I’ve seen some interesting artifacts in those and I expect them to continue while they perfect the feature. I keep thinking about buying a Theta V but then I think about explaining to my wife why I’m buying yet another camera :slight_smile:

Regards Paul

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Hi @BoLorentzen ,

If this image is contributed by Local Guides, I definitely will not consider to report.

As it is from the StreetView team, I am having this question.

That is a restricted road, not sure the tour is captured by Car mounted Camera or Backpack style Camera.

As the road slope is quite steep and varying, will that make the vertical axis alignment not stable thus producing those artifacts?

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