I like to travel on my own (to be more precise, with Blue Rabbit) when you coming to a foreign city or country it is very important to have information on where to eat, where to stay and where to go.
Blue Rabbit in Meteora, Greece
Often on the websites of hotels or cafes may be reviews that are not true. Unfortunately, people write reviews on sites if they had bad experience, and very few people write if they liked everything. The program of local guides is independent and it motivates me to write reviews about any of my experiences, both positive and negative, to show real photos of places, not photoshopping by owners or taken 10 years ago. For me, being a member of the program is about honesty, about mutual assistance, about fun and about up-to-date information, because not all places have official websites where you can get up-to-date information, and local guides help to collect such information.
Blue Rabbit and I in Gdansk, Poland
And all that is required of me is to travel a lot, eat in my favorite places, visit new interesting places and spend only a few minutes to tell others about my impressions. Making the next changes or when I write a review, I know that I can help the same tourist as me. Win-Win
Meteora, Greece