Diversity of Life Creates the Charm to Live

Diversity is really about varity. Every where it is not so easy to be different or to get variation. In real life diversity is there where the multi cultural or different types of people works together.

I am Bangladeshi. In my country there are so many examples of diversity in ervery stage of life. When we start to realize the matters happening around us, we see, one of our friend is wishing us in Eid another in Puja and others are in something else. Some of us is brown and some are off-white or black. Some of are so poor and some are too rich. Some arrange birthday with lots of activity and some are very busy to ensure two times meals daily. It is not only about people but also we talk in bengali in different ways in different places. The matter of strange is that some parts speech we cant realize who live in another part. We have highly opposite seasons, our Summer is so hot that water goes deeper and causes death due to waterless. Also winter is too cold that takes lots of lives. Rainy season is too much rainy that it causes huge flood and transport and lives goes down. Not only that but also we are in the climate changing regions inhabidant who always face the problems that causes to environment due to others activity.

After all of those things we the people of Bangladesh the Bangladeshi is surviving and fighting for thousands of years for languages, freedom, poverty and now we are going to develop our country in all the stages.

I think and deeply believe that we could make a better world if we support diversity. Please support diversity and support who are small in number but trying to live.


Diversity is really about varity. Every where it is not so easy to be different or to get variation. In real life diversity is there where the multi cultural or different types of people works together.

I am Bangladeshi. In my country there are so many examples of diversity in ervery stage of life. When we start to realize the matters happening around us, we see, one of our friend is wishing us in Eid another in Puja and others are in something else. Some of us is brown and some are off-white or black. Some of are so poor and some are too rich. Some arrange birthday with lots of activity and some are very busy to ensure two times meals daily. It is not only about people but also we talk in bengali in different ways in different places. The matter of strange is that some parts speech we cant realize who live in another part. We have highly opposite seasons, our Summer is so hot that water goes deeper and causes death due to waterless. Also winter is too cold that takes lots of lives. Rainy season is too much rainy that it causes huge flood and transport and lives goes down. Not only that but also we are in the climate changing regions inhabidant who always face the problems that causes to environment due to others activity.

After all of those things we the people of Bangladesh the Bangladeshi is surviving and fighting for thousands of years for languages, freedom, poverty and now we are going to develop our country in all the stages.

I think and deeply believe that we could make a better world if we support diversity. Please support diversity and support who are small in number but trying to live.


Hi @TrulyBappy .

Your story about your country Bangladesh is look like my country Indonesia.

We have "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ", the unity in diversity.

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Hello @TrulyBappy ,

Idea Exchange is the section of Connect where Local Guides share their ideas for making the platform and Google Maps better for the users.

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Hi @TrulyBappy . I absolutely agree with you. Diversity is the beauty and spice of life and the best we can do is to promote it and take care of it.

Why don’t you show some photos of different stages and scenes of Bangladesh? Keep in mind that posts with original content gain more community support and love. Just have in mind we appreciate only photos you craft yourself or if not possible, you should give credit to the author.

Also, have in mind there is a 1000 photos limit to every account but in the links below you will find tricks how to manage your photography content so this doesn’t bother you. Here are some more detailed Tips for Uploading Images to Connect to Stay Within Limit also there are these Tips and tricks to manage the photos in Connect.

Then there is this really amazing Great Photography Tutorial / How To / Tips Collection. by @LudwigGermany. He has collected a lot of useful information about everything related to contributing photos on Maps, 360 Degree, Food, Indoor, Outdoor and Building Photography and also Sharing in Social Channels.

5 tips to take stunning photos on your phone from a Local Guide Level 8 I think you might find useful.


@TrulyBappy A nice topic you start bro. I love your thought. Keep writing and sharing…

Happy Guiding!

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@IrrPavlova thank you so much for appreciation. I will must try to attest some related photos that have taken by me :slight_smile:

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Hello @TrulyBappy ,

I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?.

P.S.: You can check out 14 helpful tips for using Connect for some great tips using Connect.

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Hi @TrulyBappy ,

I have just released your post from the Spam Filters. I would like to apologize for your post being marked as spam. Our filters run 24/7 and they can be a little harsh at times.

You can visit this article to learn more - Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

P.S. Just to let you know, as to keep everything organized I am merging this post with your other similar post Diversity of Life Creates the Charm to Live.

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