Discovering wonders in unexpected places

Google Maps has allowed me to share with the entire global community, the most unexpected places. From a sale of the most delicious empanadas in a village in the middle of the tropical jungle, to a delicious seafood ceviche in a central place. there are no limits for those small craft places, run by the owners and that are the ones that generate the best travel and gastronomic experiences.

More than qualifying new places, what gives me more joy is to be able to create new places, for those new small traders, that if not for a Local Google Guide would remain unknown and anonymous.

What I like most, is to be able to share the impression that each known place generates, and that the new traveler already has an opinion of the place he is going to visit.

Giving this help is a way to contribute to generate reconciliation throughout the national territory, it is a part of my bit for the construction of Peace, since several of the places I have visited and created as new in the maps, they are of ex-combatants who decided to leave their weapons behind and bet on the idea of ​​the peace process.


Hello @lucas_rpo ,

I’m just letting you know that since your post seems to be an application post for Connect Live 2019, I’ve relabelled it to Local Stories.