Discovering spots…with locals!

Some years ago I had the chance of having an experience with google earth for the first time, for me it was like discovering a new world just before my eyes, literally from my desk!

Amazed before this new door that just opened before me!, I got to know cities and walk along streets without even moving home. This was crazy for me because I spent hours looking for and knowing remote places which I want to get to know that are ydillic and little known and from which I would never knew anything even reading many books or if I would look into geography because this is only limited to famous places and people that had the privilege and status so as to bring out pictures or commentaries and been able to publish them in books or newspapers, for many years this was a barrier but I didn’t even know about that just because I didn’t know other way to do it and the material I had access to was purely academic or local newspapers.

As time wore on google maps came to our lives and it became in my only tool to leave and take risks in my city, I used it for everything, later on I got my driver’s license with which it was certain I would hit the road and go to places without any problems. Following that little child inside me with an adventurous and curious spirit that could connect with people through pics and opinions thanks to the use of this online platform. This was an experience similar to the books but at the same time different, I wasn’t a writer, I wasn’t an academic and I wasn’t a journalist behind those pictures and opinions. It could be a normal person that could also be like ¡me!, sorry not only one person but many people that give you a clear and updated view of any place.

As time wore on I started making up excuses and planning to go out to run away my city and set out journeys this time not with my family or parents but alone so cheerful to know this wonderful country as it is my Colombia. I always had a fixed course but with varied stopovers, because I was pretty sure where I was heading to, what mean of transportation I had to use and even in which place I was going to eat!. With all this information on my hands, I started to join this community with little contributions to the platform and giving different opinions from my point of view I got to reach so many people in little time.

My eagerness for taking risks grew up so much that practically without thinking I decided to take the risk and knowing other country by my own, ¡completely alone!, it was my first time in a situation like this in which you normally are accompanied by your family. Now been far away from home, in a huge city with another language, other customs, a bunch of transportation options, lodging and food I never got scared of getting lost or getting in an uncomfortable situation because I had this incredible tool in which I quickly became an expert and with which I never had a problem anywhere, with the help of google maps and its incredible local guides I got informed and I knew even much more before getting to know this country. It helped me in real time with the roads, opinions in my native tongue and in English, recommendations, food and those spots so fascinating that since I was a child would like to know.

For me these opinions were and will continued been vital because as it usually happens the travel agencies, books and even the cities and towns themselves limit you to know and visit places which is something that restricts so much our experiences. Nevertheless there is nothing like the perspective of the local or native people for having a much more unique experience and connected to the reality of every place comparing this at the same time with the experience of the adventurers and tourists. Thanks to this I’ve got to know much more and better every place, get to know customs and cultures, meet and know personally local guides that helped me behind a screen through their content and pictures. This has been a brief summary of what the program of local guides have made for me and my wonderful experience like a local guide for others!.