Discovering new places

What is the most interesting thing you have done as a local guide? It is not a difficult question. Share with the community my experiences discovering new places. What does the Local Guides program mean to you? It means analyzing the different places, from a point as objective as possible, to help the rest of the world.


Hi @guercano ,

Please bear in mind that I’m going to remove the Spanish language tag from your post as it is in English. Only posts written in a specific language should have the corresponding label. You can find more information in this article How do I find posts in my preferred language?.

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Feel free for do it. I’m still learning to using Local Guides Connect social network. Thanks a lot.

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You are welcome, @guercano ! Just one more thing, please note that If you would like to reply to someone in a post, you can type the @ symbol followed by the person’s name. That is how the person will receive a notification and will be able to respond to you.

Thanks again @JavieraAu .

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