Discover Warsaw : between historical tourism and fun

4 days in Warsaw : amazing experience !

Every year, I travel with my theatre group to a city in Europe. In 2019, we chose Warsaw because the city seemed interesting and the transport and accommodation was really cheap.

I took a picture of the “Plac Zamkowy” square in the old town from a building that offers a view.

Find all the places I’m talking about on this Google Maps list:

Hala Koszyki

Koszyki halls are ideal for eating a good meal. There are a lot of bars, restaurants and fasts foods all gathered in the same place. The place is beautiful in itself. I ate a burger from Kiełba w Gębie and it was really good!

Plan B : A bar to have fun and dance

A Polish girl gave us this address when we were in the halls. It is a bar with good music and a relaxed atmosphere**.**

Warsaw: A duty to remember

I could not have imagined how important Warsaw was during the Second World War. Today, there are still many parts that have been preserved. We went to see the Anielewicz Bunker. It’s an impressive place. We were also able to enter the Nożyk’s synagogue against 10PNL at . The Monument to the Fallen and Murdered in the East is also very impressive. It is in the middle of road traffic.

Amazing delicious pastries in this city !

There are a large number of tea rooms or coffee shops that offer incredible pastries. If you go to Warsaw one day, you must at least test one!

This picture is a chocolate and mascarpone cake with a wine pear. I ate it at Przegryź. Restauracja.

Very nice view : Palace of Culture and Science

We climbed to the top of the palace of culture and science. Very beautiful different view that we are used to seeing in Warsaw. We can see how Warsaw has built tall buildings.

Trotting around with Lime.

I had already tested this system in Paris but it was a joy to discover that it was also available in Warsaw. We drove several kilometres like that. The city streets are well suited for this and there are many bike paths.

Multimedia Fountain Park : a show like I’ve never seen before.

We had the chance to see a free and magnanimous show for 25 minutes.

There is a mixture between a screen that is broadcast on a water wall and the fountains colored with music.

The shows take place every Friday and Saturday in May, June, July and August at 9.30 pm, and in September at 9 pm.

If you can’t go during his periods, it doesn’t matter. Just the illuminated fountain is magical.

Pawilony Bars in Warsaw: festive and crazy

After passing one of the alleys that give access to the Pawilony bars, we arrived at one of the strangest bars: the Klaps.
Otherwise we continued the evening from bar to bar. There are also nightclubs. It’s a very large complex.

Zoo market : Like a village in the middle of Warsaw

We arrived luckily at the Zoo Market. It’s a quiet place with stands of objects from local vendors, foodtrucks and sound with a DJ.

We ate a burger on deckchairs, it was so cool.

The Warsaw page: like a reminder from Berlin

When I was told there was a beach in Warsaw, I thought it was a joke. But once you get there, you discover an incredible place. It is even possible to cross between the two shores free of charge.

Our last night in Warsaw: Mirage Club

We were a little disappointed at the parties in Warsaw. There were finally few people in the nightclubs. I think it’s related to the period (May). Otherwise, we still had a good time at the Mirage Club. The effects of decorations such as the central lights and fountain are extraordinary!

Pancakes and pierogis before back home

We ate several times during the week of pierogis, one of the specialities that can be eaten in Warsaw.
I still wanted to talk about it and show you a picture because it’s really good. It’s like ravioli but thicker. Inside it’s stuffed with what you choose.
I also had a crepe with salmon next door.


Bonjour @KlaudiyaG comme promis je te tag dans mon nouvel article sur Varsovie :slight_smile:

Bonne journée.


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@christophesubilia I was in Warsaw many times,but other cities as Wroclaw and Krakow impressed me more :smiling_face:


Thank you @Natalia_20-12 ! Yes some friends have say the same to me for Krakow. I have to test it! Thank you for your comment :slight_smile:


@christophesubilia , I have never been at Warsaw, but after your amazing pics, I feel very tempted

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Me encantas estas imágenes! Se nota que el viaje has disfrutado mucho.

Las fotografías son geniales. Me dan muchas ganas de visitar la ciudad e ir a estos sitios tan bonitos.


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Thank you @Alex-Gonzalez !

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@Johnny11 thank you ! Yes you have to go there it’s amazing !

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Ton poste est incroyable @christophesubilia ! Superbes photos comme d’habitude qui me font rêver. Si je dois être honnête Varsovie m’a vraiment surpris. Ça a l’air d’être une superbe destination. Je n’ai jamais pensé d’y aller, mais après avoir lu ton poste je pense sérieusement à réserver un vol. :slight_smile:

Merci infiniment de m’avoir tagué!

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Je suis ravis d’avoir pu te faire voyager @KlaudiyaG ! Tu devrais aller à Varsovie c’est une belle destination !

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Hi @christophesubilia , very nice and detailed post, really well done and so beautiful pictures, it transmits perfectly your experience. Thank you for sharing it.


wow! @christophesubilia

Looks like its gonna be a magical journey in Warsaw.

The photos are amazing. Beautiful

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Thank you so much @futnotecom !

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Thank you @LuigiZ !


Dear @christophesubilia ,

Fantastic post about the polish capital.

You wrote about important thinks to eat and about important thinks to remember.

And really the Polish Food is outstanding, especially the sweets.

I really like your post also I like more Gdansk and Kraków in Poland, so you need to return to this nice country. No other option :wink:

@user_not_found what do you think?


Super!!! @christophesubilia Oto właśnie taka jest Warszawa!

Rozbawiona, szalona, a jednocześnie patriotyczna i pracowita.Trudno uwierzyć, że to piękne, nowoczesne miasto powstało z ruin.

I te stragany :grin: Tu kupisz wszystko, od zapałki po diament :grin:

Świetny post! Gratuluję!


Thank you for your comment @TorM ! I guess I come back for see these cities :slight_smile:


Thank you @user_not_found !

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@TorM Zapraszamy serdecznie :blush: Twoje ulubione miasta leżą na przeciwnych krańcach Polski. Dwa różne klimaty- majestatyczny, przepełniony historią i sztuką Kraków i Gdańsk - nowoczesny, zabiegany, z odczuwalnym rytmem portowego miasta. Oba godne zobaczenia, oba piękne i fotogeniczne.

Ja nie wybieram, bo będę stronnicza :blush: Ale to morskie, świeże powietrze, nasycone jodem, szum fal, krzyk mew - relaks :blush:

Jedzenie? Pewnie, że smaczne. O słodyczach to nie wspominajmy :grin:

Najlepszy jest niemiecki marcepan i turecka chałwa.