Directorio para Clinica Medica


Mi nombre es Oscar y quiero saber como le puedo hacer para subir el directorio de una clinica medica, que se pueda hacer como un restaurante sube su menu y asi no llenar una sola area de google maps de nombres e informacion


Hi @Pachecoo

The English translation might be shaky, but is your question, how you can add the individual doctors to a medical center like you add menu items/dishes to a restaurant?

Have you considered just to create each doctors individual office as places inside/under the medical center? Just like you can have more shops inside a shopping center.

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Thank you for reaching out @Pachecoo ,

Do you own this clinic? You can read more about in the Departments within other businesses, universities, or institutions topic to learn how to distinguish the departments. Departments should have a separate customer entrance and should each have distinct categories.