I have discovered incorrect directions and a 360 photo that is not depicting the correct business for the business name and address given. I have reported the photo only to get a reply from Google saying there was not sufficient information to make any changes. Can I take a 360 photo to replace the currently incorrect one and submit to Maps? How is this this accomplished? Please advise. Level 6 Local Guide.
Hi @lenecapers and welcome to Connect!
First of all, thank you very much for reaching out.
The Google algorithms analyze different factors, such as the information submitted, the location itself, your mapping activity, and other factors that will help the system determine if the photo that you are flagging should be removed from the Map. With that said, there are regions around the world where there simply is not enough information for some reports to come through successfully or immediately and it certainly has nothing to do with you personally. Please keep trying and if we encounter any bugs in the system you can rest assured that they will be fixed as soon as possible.
Thank you so much for your response! I have offered an idea on the ideas board that Maps should offer a place for Local Guides to make corrections similar to the section in Maps where 360 photos can be reported. It isnt appearing to be the most popular idea. But, I think it may be because it’s not a very flashy idea or one that may outwardly appear to save the environment. However, when you consider how much fossil fuel is spent in searching for places that have incorrect Directions in Maps, having the correct information really can add up… even in that regard. Hopefully others will see the value in what it is I’m suggesting. And while I do appreciate your letting me know that its not personal. I’m not making these suggestions for personal reasons. My reasons behind wanting the information in Maps to be correct are multi-fold and more for the benefit of those we are attempting to serve. I appreciate the opportunity to be a part of the Google Local Guides community and again, thank you for responding and providing the information on how to contact a Moderator. You and the information you’ve provided are much appreciated!