Dinner at Mr. Sandee's

Dinner at Mr. Sandee’s

Sandee’s Restaurant

500/9, 500/9 ถนน อโศก - ดินแดง แขวง ดินแดง เขต ดินแดง กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400, Thailand

February 22, 2018 @ 19:30 (+07)

This will be a small, casual meetup. I’ll talk about taking photospheres and give some demos. I’ll also talk about Local Guides Summit 2017. It was such a cool experience. I’ll give my tips for if you want to apply for Local Guides Summit 2018. For background on why I picked this place…when I first came to Bangkok, I lived on Mr. Sandee’s street for about four months. His restaurant was actually a big inspiration for me being such an active local guide, because every night I ate here, I kept thinking, “This place isn’t even on Google. There must be something that I can do to help with that!” A year later I found Local Guides and found that there actually was something I could do. It turned out the Mr. Sandee did have a Google Listing, but it was two streets away, and only in Thai. I helped to move it to the right place, put a translation in English, write a review, and upload some pictures. I’m actually not sure if it helped yet very much, since I don’t speak much Thai and Mr. Sandee doesn’t speak much English. But I really like adding my food pictures to his restaurant whenever I go back. That’s why I picked his place for the meetup. It’s small, but cozy. Note that this isn’t a hosted meetup, we’ll all pay for our own dinners, and nobody’s under any obligation to make any contributions to Mr. Sandee’s business.

RSVP here


I’m so excited! Thanks for everyone that signed up so far! I think we’ll end up having about ten people. This will be so cool!!!