Día de Muertos: Chocolate Skulls

Hello everyone and Happy Day of the Dead!

Chocolate Calaverita

On this day we honour our family members that have died, in México this is one of the biggest celebrations of the year, it is full of color, art and music.

One of my favorite things about Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is eating chocolate skulls, these are often given in exchanges, something like gift exchange, let me explain a little bit.

¡Spanish Class!

Calavera= skull

If you add the suffix -ito or -ita it will be the diminutive of the word

So Calaverita = little Skull

If you like football you may have heard of a mexican player, Chicharito = little pea, the original word is chicharo.But let’s get back to skulls.

On Día de Muertos there are 2 types of Calaveritas:

  • Edible Calaveritas : Made of chocolate, sugar and amaranth
  • Literary Calaveritas: Which are like a poem where the person escapes from death, this is written with jokes and rhymes

We call them Calaveritas de chocolate (Chocolate Skulls), exchanges are organized and you write a Literary Calaverita and buy a Chocolate Calaverita for the person that was assigned to you. After that everyone can eat their chocolate calaverita, they are delicious.

Calaveritas are decorated with colored sugar and some of them can have the name of the person you are giving it to.

Have you ever eaten a chocolate calaverita?

Other posts :

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Fiesta Mexicana: ¡Viva México!

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#TeamTacos #LocalGuidesMX # LocalGuidesMexico


Hi @LaloPadilla

This post just reminded me of Coco movie. Have you watched it? And the chocolate skull looks scary yet interesting! Did you make it by yourself, or did you get it from your friend?


Hi @Lusianaa Yeah, Coco is based on mexican tradition Día de Muertos, I love that movie, a lot of research was done by the directors, and we apreciate all the little details in the movie.

I bought it last week for myself, you know, covid restrictions.

Tell me did you cry watching Coco?


Se ve muy buena la Calaverita de chocolate @LaloPadilla a mi me gustaría más de chocolate blanco, las hacen también? Me encantó la decoración jaja llevan relleno?

Silvy :nicaragua:


@LaloPadilla Yes, I cried! The scene when Hector is revealed as Miguel’s great-great-grandfather was so emotionally touching. I couldn’t hold my tears :sob: How about you? One of the best movies Disney has ever produced. I love the details and the song, too. Remember me~


Hola @SilvyC ! No son tan comunes pero sí hay de chocolate blanco, hay algunas que hasta ni te la quieres comer porque la decoración es muy buena.

Casi todas las calaveritas de este tamaño son huecas, te mandaría foto pero ya me la comí jajaja, hay unas que son pequeñitas como la que nos mostró Santi en el meet-up, que sí tienen relleno.

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@Lusianaa It’s a beautiful movie, I saw it twice in the opening weekend and cried in both of them, in México it was released a month before US and at that time it became the most viewed film in México. Everyone was talking about it. I loved they included a lot of Mexican culture details, even the Mexico soccer Jersey and a lot of celebrities that have died. It’s perfect.


@LaloPadilla Oh, I see. The movie has captured Mexican culture beautifully. It’s a unique way to remember a lost loved one anyway. I hope you enjoy the Día de Muertos celebration.


@Lusianaa As you might remember in Coco, people go to the graveyards, this year all of them were closed and also a lot of Día de Muertos events were cancelled, but we enjoyed it at home.


Era da un pò che mi chiedevo da dove arriva la mia passione per la cioccolata.

Grazie per la bella spigazione, di una tradizione che non conoscevo. La mia Calaverita letteraria comincio a pensarla ora che si avvicina il giorno di San Valentino, la festa degli innamorati. Perché? Perché prima degli altri dobbiamo volerci bene noi stessi e la vita si allunga o mal che vada hai un amico che ti tende una mano e ad i buoni piacciono i dolci.

Casetta di cioccolato, Natale 2020.Negozio - @Dolce Bassano - @@Bassano del Grappa, Italia @Olonna

Wow @LaloPadilla My first time to hear about chocolate skulls. We know now that is your weakness - that those are your favorite treat. :two_hearts:

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They are great @AZ_2021

Basically chocolate is my weakness hahaha , there are a lot of sizes of chocolate skulls and some of them are really detailed decorations that it hurts to start eating a piece of art :yum:

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Yummy me too @LaloPadilla I love chocolates and sweets. In fact, now I’m eating a chocolate donut. :blue_heart:

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Qué lindo ese intercambio literario!! Ustedes tienen las rondas en la sangre!

Gracias @LaloPadilla por hacerme conocer más aspectos de la festividad!

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Gracias @EugeGallardo ! , es divertido hacerlas y escuchar las de otros, algunas calaveritas literarias tienen muchos chistes sobre la persona y si es algun compañero de escuela o trabajo es gracioso ver la reacción de todos :joy:

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