Đây là quê hương tôi Quảng Ngãi - đảo Lý Sơn
Lý Sơn là một huyện đảo của tỉnh Quảng Ngãi, nằm cách bờ khoảng 30km, với diện tích gần 10km2 và dân số hơn 20.000 người. Đảo Lý Sơn để lại ấn tượng khó quên trong lòng du khách với những ngày nắng ấm mênh mang, những bãi biển trong vắt và người dân vô cùng dễ mến.
Hi @BrianNguyen76,
Thank you for sharing your images with the community. From what it appears you are a photography enthusiast. If that’s so, in this case I have wonderful news for you, most of the people here are also passionate about photography, just like you and I’m sure that you’ll have a lot to talk about with them.
By the way, on Connect there’s also a board dedicated specifically for all related photography topics that’s actually were your post appears now, as I’ve changed it’s label. Feel free to explore the conversations happening there among the community members and if you find a conversation that is of any interest to you don’t hesitate to jump in and interact with fellow Local Guides.
P.S.: Every member on Connect has a 1000 photos limitation. To avoid the risk of reaching that limit, I recommend checking the following articles in order to better understand how to manage your photo posts:
Food at Lý Sơn Island
Cùng tận hưởng và thư giản tịa Lý Sơn island nha các bạn.
Không gì tuyệt vời bằng ngắm biển, hoàng hôn từ vị trí đẹp như công tò vò.
It’s okay. I am very happy to be able to share this with everyone.
Hello @BrianNguyen76 ,
Thank you for sharing these amazing photos with us, the area looks incredible!
I am going to merge this post with the previous one, as both of them contain pictures from the same place.
You can always have a look at Please Read: Posting on “Photography” Board article, it might be helpful for your next post.
PS: I would like to let you know that you can tag Connect members in your posts by writing @ before their name. This way they receive a notification and know that you are trying to communicate with them directly.