DENIED after editing business name

Recently I edited a business, Iguanas Garden in La Cruz de Huanacaxtle, in Mexico.

Someone had marked them as “permanently closed” but it is a seasonal restaurant. So, I marked them as “open” and put a note in that is was a Seasonal Restaurant. The restaurant was re-opened but Google changed the restaurant name to Seasonal Restaurant. So, I tried to go back in and change the name back to Iguanas Garden but the name field turned red and asked me for a different name.

How do I get the name changed back to Iguanas Garden if the software will not allow the submission?



Hi @SeaGypsySuz ,

There are certain items in Google Maps that you cannot edit and these include landmarks, established points-of-interests or even the names of a city/township. Only Google can edit these although you can always send feedback and suggest your changes through Google maps.

For further help, you can reach out to the Google Maps & Earth forum.

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La otra opción es hacerse dueño del negocio a través de My Business, sugiriendo al dueño del negocio que se dé de alta allí, de esa manera tendrá control sobre todos estos datos, incluso podrá marcar que es un negocio de temporada @SeaGypsySuz

saludos Farid

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Thank you, Farid:

I have been trying to get business owners to claim their business. They are having trouble understanding what to do and how to do it even when I’m standing there showing them.

It would be very helpful if there was a Translate button on the hamburger menu so I could show a Spanish speaking owner my screen showing their bisiness and quickly flip back and forth between our two languages.