demande d'aide

Salut, je suis nouveau sur Local Guide

quelqu’un peux me guider sur comment ajouter des images pour des nouveaux lieux et ajouter des element sur Google street?


سلام من فاطمه هستم .

هر سوالی داشتید من در خدمت هستم. :yellow_heart:

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Hi @kaleygWelcome to Connect! If this is your first visit, you’ve come to the right place. This post will serve as a guide for everything you need to know about contributing content and engaging with the Local Guides community on Connect”. This is the first of the information that you will find in “Your guide to Connect” , the introductory Guide of the community. In there you will find all the necessary information to know how to better contribute in here

You can also introduce yourself by responding in this post: Introduce Yourself — March 2022 to share more about you and for the community to welcome you in Connet

Do you have a doubt about how to do something? The Help desk is here for you,with a long list of post with detailed indications on how to post.

Which kind of contents we share in the community? What are Connect topics? will give you an explanation